"The Big Book of Darkness", publishing house "Alpina. Children »Do you think that with the onset of the night life on earth freezes? No matter how it is! With the book, the child will be transferred to the exciting world of darkness: walk through the night streets, dive into the depths of the ocean, fly to space ... He will get acquainted with animals that lead a nocturnal life, and find out what is on the dark side of the moon. In this book, small researchers are waiting for amazing facts from history, astronomy and biology. Under each illustration there is one more! When the child opens the large valves, he will see what happens at night in the forest, in the city, in the village and in the airport.Photo: publishing house "Alpina. Children »« The Museum of Living Insects », publishing house MIFUDIVitelno beautiful book for children who are addicted to insects. On the pages of the book you can find out why dragonflies are called dragon flies, what talent is in a dung beetle, which is indicated by the bright color of insects, what insects love to travel, why a bee is an Internet star, whether it is necessary to be afraid of bumblebees (spoiler - no) does not sink in the water, why the horn-bug beetle, who protects with cyanide poison, what figures the fly writes out in flight, whether there is a butterfly that resembles a bat, a fly similar to a scorpion, a wingless wasp and a bug-bison.
A photo: publishing house MIF "Launch a rocket into space", publishing house "Clover" Mathematics in comics - it's just space! Train with the best of the best and conquer the mathematical expanse thanks to the brave heroes of comics. Comics are not just entertainment. This is a great way to interest a child with math. Astronauts will disclose all the secrets and tell how mathematics can help break out of the terrestrial atmosphere and go into space.
A photo: publishing house "Clover" "The Big Book of Snow and Ice", publishing house "Alpina. Children »The second book of the series. This time about the usual, but such a mysterious phenomenon of nature - snow. Where does it come from? Why animals do not freeze in the cold? When did the sled appear? How to become a polar explorer? For all these cold questions the child will find icy, but understandable answers in this book. Colorful illustrations and a whole sea of frosty information ...
Photo: publishing house "Alpina. Children "" How to explain the science to a child, "publishing the MIFU child problems with the natural sciences? And you find it hard to remember the lessons of biology and chemistry? In the book, the basic concepts of these most important natural-science disciplines are available and clearly explained. Complex material is perceived faster and better thanks to illustrative examples with clear diagrams, diagrams and figures, which are accompanied by detailed explanations.
A photo: publishing house Myth "The Big Book of the Underground World", publishing house "Alpina. Children »The last edition in the series" Big Books ". What is hidden where we can not look? Why do we need soil? How old is our planet? What treasures are hidden in the bowels of the Earth? In this book, young researchers find answers to many questions from the field of geology and archeology, history and mythology. Under each major illustration of hiding another, secret, where you will see how to construct a cave and who live under the ground, as the work in the mines and in underground cities, in addition to the underground parking and there is also a sports center and a museum. Expand quickly - you are waiting for an exciting journey right to the center of the Earth.
Photo: publishing house "Alpina. Children "" Fascinating astronomy ", the publishing house MIFVy probably heard about Chevostik, who together with his uncle Kuzey makes amazing trips to the world of science: physics, chemistry, astronomy, anatomy, geology and others. This time they go to the observatory! What secrets will be revealed there? What facts do they learn?
Photo: publishing house MYF «Oceans and seas. Little explorers "," Clover "publishing house Multicolored octopuses, polar bears, dolphins and squid, molluscs and seals, colorful coral reefs and sunken ships - in a book with small windows" Oceans and seas "on each spread, a very understandable story about an amazing underwater world .
A photo: publishing house "Clover" "World of information", publishing house "Polandria" Amazing encyclopedia, which is designed in the form of infographics and with wonderful illustrations. How much does the cloud weigh? What are the alphabets? The child will find answers to these and many other questions in an exciting and convincing collection of facts about everything in the world.
Photo: publishing house "Polandriya" "Dinosaurs. Little explorers ", publishing house" Clover "Read, learn new and play? With this book everything is possible. First of all, there are cute illustrations in it. Secondly, small valves, opening which the child learns about different animals that lived during the time of the dinosaurs.
Photo: Clover Publishing House