How to wean children to bite their nails

It is unlikely that the problem can be solved by a simple ban. Most often, nail gnawing indicates a child's stress, increased anxiety, and being in to wean a child to bite nailsWeaning a child to bite his nails is necessary for his health. Photo: Getty Therefore, first of all, you need to pay attention to his psychological state.

  • It is necessary to speak frankly and calmly withas a child, to explain to him that his habit is harmful to health and that it is necessary to get rid of it. We must try to find out what worries and makes us nervous, and suggest jointly solving these problems.
  • It happens that children bite their nails from boredom. Not knowing how to occupy themselves, they perform this action automatically. In this case, you can buy anti-stress toys, which can be rumpled in the hands in a free minute, hand expander or rosary. The use of these items does not cause any harm and additionally reduces stress.
  • If the child is very small, you can watch him, and as soon as he starts to bite his nails, try to shift his attention. This can be done with the help of bright interesting toys or books.
  • On sale there are a variety of medical varnishes. They cure their nails, which suffer from constant gnawing, and at the same time have an unpleasant bitter taste. The child will not be able to remove such varnish on his own, and the bitterness will ultimately discourage his desire to pull his fingers in his mouth.
  • Girls can make a beautiful manicure and covernails with a special children's varnish. It is less toxic, unlike ordinary decorative nail polish. Girls from an early age tend to be beautiful and look like their mother in everything. Therefore, it is likely that the child will not want to destroy the beautiful image due to momentary desire.

In the question of how to wean a child to bite his nails onhands, of no small importance is the parental attitude. It is necessary to act gently, but aggressively. You do not need to be nervous and angry. It will be more difficult for a child to part with a bad habit if he feels parental nervousness. And of course, parents need to pay attention to themselves. Adults also often bite their nails, and the child can copy their behavior.

