Socialization of the child in the family

Family is the foundation for building relationshipsin society. The realization of one's own personality in the family environment determines the thinking of the child, as well as his perception of other people. He assimilates a certain scenario of actions and reactions. So he learns to understand how people perceive him.socialization of the child in the familyThe socialization of the child in the family determines hisindividualityPhoto: Getty The script, scripted in childhood, will remain with a person for life. Therefore, it is so important to give the child the right upbringing. He should not feel negative about himself. Children from unfavorable families in adulthood are confident that society treats them with hostility. To change the scenario of thinking requires a complex and lengthy work with a psychologist. In adolescence, children acquire internal positions. They are formed on the basis of existing life experience. Through a position in society, the child expresses his own attitude towards himself. It depends on the relationship in the family. If the teenager lacked care and love, he would be sure that no one needed. This will lead to low self-esteem and low social status.

The role of the family in the behavior of the child

In a number of scientific experiments,that the negative situation in the family causes deviant disorders in adolescents. Such adolescents underestimate the importance of family members' friendly attitude towards each other, caring and tenderness. Importance for them is acquired by the absence of fights and scandals. This distorts the process of socialization in society. Deviant adolescents do not notice the negative impact associated with the intrusion of parents into private life. This is due to the lack of attention of parents. They occupy a distant position in relation to the problem teenager. They do not want to be responsible for its future. In problem families, children grow up in an atmosphere of danger and anxiety. Internal anxiety prevents a child from establishing contact with peers. He is not able to be open, to show warmth and empathy. He seeks to distance himself from society. The teenager thinks that it is rude and hostile. The family becomes an obstacle for him, which suppresses him. Children need the attention of their parents. His absence leads to the search for new ways of self-expression, which negatively affect the child's psyche.

