What is the social policy of the country

All rights to social protection are defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.Social securitySocial protection of children is the main direction of social policy. Photo: Getty A set of measures promotes social security:

  • labor protection and fixing a fixed amount of its minimum payment;
  • protection of human health;
  • payment of pensions, disability benefits;
  • material support of motherhood, protection of childhood and family;
  • development of the social services system.

The social policy of the state is aimed at creating opportunities for the realization of human needs, physical or spiritual. Social protection is carried out in several directions:

  • Social Security. State measures aimed at improving the quality of life of certain segments of the population.
  • Social support. It is carried out by payment of grants, grants, monetary indemnifications. Help can be provided in the form of finished products - clothes, shoes, food.
  • Social insurance. Support for the unemployed population, including those of advanced age at the expense of the state insurance fund.

The work is carried out at the federal level, as well as regional, local and collective.

How is state support of the population carried out?

Protection of the population is carried out in four main areas:

  • Realization of social protection of children. The activity is aimed at ensuring the child's harmonious development, his mental and creative abilities, maintaining physical, moral and mental health. Particular attention is required by children and adolescents who have antisocial behavior, drug dependence, disadaptation in society.
  • Protection of the family. The work is aimed at creating and preserving the family institution, providing conditions for future parents in family planning, improving medical services to reduce child and maternal mortality.
  • Protection of the able-bodied population. Creation of confidence for a working person in material support in case of illness or staff reduction.
  • Protection of the disabled population. It is based on the support of the elderly and disabled people, satisfaction of their needs for care, medical services.

Social policy is designed to protect the populationfrom material and other difficulties, to help in obtaining the necessary benefits and to improve the quality of life. The state directs efforts to support all segments of the population who are unable to cope with material difficulties on their own, including because of health problems, and also provides assistance to unprotected representatives of the society.

