In November, Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgana son was born, who became the firstborn for the mother, and for the father - the third child. The socialite herself reported on Instagram about the joyful event and then continued to share with subscribers photos from walks and her thoughts on the topic of motherhood. And only the name of the baby still remained a mystery ... What assumptions were made by the fans of the famous couple! And so Maxim decided to give them a gift and before the New Year revealed the secret about the name of his youngest son. Today Vitorgan published on his page on the network a photo in which he is holding a Christmas tree decoration in the form of a star. In its center is the name Plato. Dec 30 2016 at 3:43 PST The hint is more than transparent, and the actor's subscribers began vying with each other to congratulate him on his excellent choice: they say, Platon Maksimovich - this sounds solid. There and then there were many namesakes ... However, another part of Internet users suggested that Maxim, as usual, jokes and deliberately creates a fog. He has already made a statement to journalists once that the child was named Anton ... In general, other, even more original options can be expected from these cheerful parents. But if, after all, the baby was named Plato, it is worth agreeing: the name is really respectable. Translated from Greek, it means "broad-shouldered" (which is quite relevant, judging by the baby's father), and its bearer is distinguished by activity, sociability and curiosity. What name, in your opinion, is more suitable for Sobchak's son?

  • Anton - because Anton Maksimovich sounds good
  • Anatoly - in honor of the father of Xenia
  • Emmanuel - in honor of Father Maxim
  • Maxim - in honor of the baby's father. There will be Maxim Maksimych!
  • Fashionable version: Myron, Mark, Matvey or Plato
  • As astrologers advised: Dmitry and Egor
  • For the sake of money it was necessary to name KINGO!
  • Other (write in the comments)

Voted: 7897 Which name do you think is more suitable for Sobchak's son?

  • Anton - because Anton Maksimovich sounds good14.9%
  • Anatoly - in honor of the father of Ksenia30,1%
  • Emmanuel - in honor of Maxim's father 5.1%
  • Maxim - in honor of the baby's father. There will be Maxim Maksimych! 5.9%
  • Fashionable version: Miron, Mark, Matvey or Platon16,1%
  • As astrologers advised: Dmitry and Egor 8.7%
  • For the sake of money it was necessary to call KINGO! 10.7%
  • Other (write in the comments) 8,4%

Voted on: 7897

