Boggzy is a very unusual family. To begin with, they have at home four dogs, a cat and two ducks. Despite the fact that animals, to put it mildly, are different, they perfectly get along together. And no, Casey Boggs and her husband did not choose such a strange company for themselves. All these animals were on the street, and Boggs simply could not pass by the animal that had fallen into trouble. Now all this menagerie is one inseparable flock. They can not even be photographed separately. But the whole herd they are posing with pleasure. Walking in the woods, hiking, traveling by car and just sitting around in front of the TV - they are always together. And then the Bogs had a child. Little Sonny. "When we brought him from the hospital, a whole meeting committee was waiting for us," Casey said. - All seven of our animals fell in love with Sonny from the very first minute. They treated him like their own child. It is curious that each of the animals has its own way of showing affection for the baby. Mia, the cat that was taken from the orphanage is always somewhere near Sonny. She constantly checks to see if anything threatens him. Roxy, the first dog that appeared in the Boggs family, likes to doze off with Sonny, guarding his sleep. Roxy is a fox-toy-terrier, by the way. Edith and Rosie, a rat-terrier and a pit bull, are always ready to call their parents if the baby cries. And while mom and dad hurry to the rescue, they themselves comfort Sonny as they can. Jake, another pit bull, considers himself to be Sonny's older brother. It is indispensable when it is necessary to change the baby's diaper. "They perfectly understand how tender they should be with the baby. And their affection is an example of what kind of love each kid should be surrounded by, "Casey says.

