Ekaterina Ivanova

slingslingslingslingsling1 / 5Profession: certified slingo konsultant.Deti: I'm the mother of Slinkodochka Anyutka, now she is 2 years old and 1 month old. I learned about sling when I was pregnant. I was amazed by the mobile slingoma - as she easily moved around the city, easily placed and removed the child from the sling, and while her daughter was happy to be in the sling. When the daughter was born, it was very difficult for me, she did not lie in the stroller, did not sleep without me in the crib. After 5-10 minutes woke up and cried, but in my arms or next to me I slept peacefully and for a long time. I did not have any helpers: my husband went to work, my grandmothers are also all working. I could not eat anything elementary, my husband came to dinner to feed me. I began to study questions about the child's sleep, psychological characteristics and his needs. For me at that time it was a discovery that finding a child in the hands of any adult is a natural need of a newborn. The kid needs physical contact with the parent, because the child reads the information from the mother's body, it regulates thermoregulation, the child's heart adjusts to the rhythm of the adult's heartbeat, digestion improves, and even the child's breathing gets better! By my daughter, I noticed that when she wore it on her hands, she cried less and slept more tightly. I was heavy on the baby, my back and arms ached, and then my first sling-scarf came to the rescue. In it the weight of the child was distributed evenly, and my hands remained free! And, of course, I became easier to cope with domestic chores. I remember my husband's surprise when I first made a dinner with a baby in a sling. Baby at the same time slept sweetly! Then I went to the store for the first time, easily walked where the carriage can not drive. And the sling helped us out in traveling! We went to the Altai Mountains, to Egypt, Thailand, and everywhere we felt like mobile travelers. I really liked the positive effects of the slinging for my mother and child, I was trained at the Russian school of sling counseling and the German school for the slingshing of Die Trageschule Dresden. Now I'm a certified slinggokonsultant, and I'm always happy to help my mothers in mastering a sling or an ergot!

