indoor variety rosesThe rose has always been and will be the queen of flowers,a symbol of greatness and beauty. This flower is extremely popular among all nations. And not one of the ornamental plants has so many varieties and forms. Every person who has even a small garden plot, is sure to grow roses on it. And these flowers successfully take root in apartments, since recently enough species have been bred that are adapted specifically for growing in indoor conditions. Varieties of indoor roses are varied. You can buy them at any flower shop. Usually, domestic species are mini bushes, about 30-40 centimeters in height. When choosing a rose for your windowsill, do not rush to stop your gaze on flowers created by Dutch manufacturers. These are the plants that very often do not take root in our climate. Dutch roses are difficult to grow even in the garden, let alone an apartment. It is best to choose those varieties of mini roses that are not so whimsical. Let's consider them in more detail.

Bengal red rose

The most common variety of domestic roses.It is not demanding at all, blooms very abundantly, but the flowers, unfortunately, have no scent. It can overwinter in an apartment at a temperature of up to 25 degrees, without shedding its leaves. The Bengal rose does not need pruning. It is only necessary to remove dead or diseased branches.

Polyanthus roses

This variety is divided into separate types. Polyanthus rose is not capricious, takes root well in home conditions, has a pleasant smell.

  • Triumph A rather large plant that pleasestheir owners bright red flowers, from the spring to the first frost. Well tolerates wintering on a cool window sill. To flowering was long and plentiful, the plant needs to be fed.
  • Thumbnails Mini bush with double flowers white andpink coloring. Perfectly winters in the room, so it is fairly easy to tolerate the widespread diseases of indoor roses, arising from overabundance of moisture. The peculiarity of this species is that it reproduces itself without special problems by cuttings. Roots appear almost on the fifth day after the cuttings are placed in water.
  • Gloria Has very rare, you can even sayexclusive color. A medium sized shrub with small leaves and small flowers, resembling smoldering embers from a distance. For all its exotic, buds do not smell. Unfortunately, this mini rose does not tolerate wintering in a warm room. From October to February it needs to be settled in a cool place, where the air temperature is not more than ten degrees.
  • Clotilda A small bush with fragrant terryflowers. Right after blossoming, the bud has a light pink shade with a deeper color in the middle, but after a few days it turns white. Blooms for a long time and abundantly, it's a good winter on a cool window sill.

types of indoor roses

Bourbon Rose

This variety can't be called mini at all.It forms a fairly large bush with delicate leaves and full large flowers. The buds last a long time, have different shades: pale pink, cream, rich red. Bourbon rose begins to bloom late, somewhere in the middle of July. But it also stops late, until the New Year holidays, your windowsill will look like a fairytale garden. In March, Bourbon rose species lose almost all their foliage. They release new branches, quickly gain strength, overgrown with young greenery. The only problem this plant can cause you is difficult rooting. It is best to carry out cuttings in April, using a growth stimulator.

Irish rose

This flower is very different from all domestic ones.varieties. Its bud is somewhat similar to a tulip of delicate apricot color. And the leaves are small, thin, with jagged edges, having a lilac hue. This variety must be trimmed, leaving 2-3 of the strongest branches. Then the flowering will be more abundant, and the buds will be larger.

Chinese Mini Rose

This is the smallest variety of indoor plants.roses. Its flowers are very small, about two centimeters in diameter. And the bush itself grows no more than fifteen centimeters in height. There are many varieties of Chinese roses, and they all differ in the color of the buds and the structure of the flower. Some species smell strongly, while others have no smell at all. Red, yellow, orange, burgundy, and even silver shades of Chinese roses have won the hearts of many gardeners. Most varieties require cold wintering.

Tea roses

These fragrant flowers were brought to us fromIndia. However, in nature, there is no tea variety. Bengal roses were used to create it. Mini varieties were bred for home use, which grow only up to thirty centimeters. Tea roses bloom almost continuously, have double flowers with a strong and pleasant smell. Colors can be very different. Since this plant is very sensitive to dampness and cold, it is ideal for growing in an apartment.

Repaired roses

Large flowers, depending on the variety, canbe white, red or pink. If you want to grow such a specimen in an apartment, be prepared to provide it with a cold winter, no more than 5-10 degrees Celsius. It is quite difficult to propagate a remontant rose by cuttings, so many gardeners graft them. If you can provide these plants with the proper conditions and a spacious habitat, you will get very rare in beauty specimens.varieties of indoor roses


This plant does not belong to the familyrosaceae. However, it has long been firmly established in our apartments under the name "Chinese rose" or "Chinese rose". The flower is not capricious, requires minimal care, and at the same time blooms very abundantly. And even if it does not bloom, it also looks very attractive. Unlike cold-loving roses, hibiscus is kept in conditions somewhat similar to the tropics. Loves bright light, abundant watering and spraying of leaves. Hibiscus flowers look like small gramophones, pink, red or burgundy. During flowering, the plant needs mineral and organic fertilizers. The "Chinese rose" lives for about twenty years. An adult plant can grow up to two meters in height. The first five years, the flower needs to be replanted every year, then the soil and pot need to be changed every three years. And finally, an important piece of advice - when you see a beautiful flower in the store, do not rush to buy it right away. Consult with the seller, find out all the nuances of caring for the plant you like. Think about whether you can provide it with everything it needs. Otherwise, the flower will simply die in a week, like a bouquet of cut roses. We recommend reading:

