The mode of the newborn's day in the first month: feeding and sleeping

The main tasks of the baby in the first month after birth - it's good to eat, sleep a lot and please the parents with the first smiles. On average, children at this age sleep 18-20 hours a day.Newborn Day RegimenThe mode of the newborn's day for 2/3 consists of a sleep Photo: Getty If the child sleeps well during the day, and at night refuses to sleep, the following tips will help:

  • Let the child understand that it was morning, with the help of hygienic procedures. Wipe his face with a wet fleece, clean your nose, ears.
  • At night feeding, use a night light, do not turn on the bright light.
  • In the evening, make sure that the house is quiet, speak in muffled voices.
  • Before night sleep, turn on the baby quiet lullaby music.

Earlier doctors advised to feed children strictly onschedule every 3 hours. Now this method is considered obsolete, and pediatricians offer to feed newborns on demand. The average child in the first month of life asks to eat 6-8 times. But you must not feed him until he gives up his breast or bottle. Overfeeding is a direct way to colic and other problems with digestion. At a time, a month-old baby should eat about 90 ml of breast milk or a mixture.

Newborn Day Regimen: bathing, walking

Two more things that should be included in thethe daily routine of the baby, bathing and walking. To bathe a child you need every day before going to sleep, but before the last evening feeding. Add a decoction of chamomile, celandine or a string to the bathing water. It is useful for baby skin and improves the baby's sleep. In good weather, you have to walk with your child every day. If the baby was born healthy and full, walks need to start from the 10th day of life. In winter, you can walk up to -10 ° C. Winter walks should be about 10 minutes. In the summer with a month-old baby, you can walk for 20 minutes, provided that the air temperature is not more than + 30 ° C. A newborn child is difficult to get used to a certain regime in the first month of life, but parents should do their best to help him. If the normal regimen is vaccinated at this age, there will be no further problems with the regimen. Also interesting:

