How much we do not understand ...

Like most women, Zoe Berber admits,that motherhood has changed her greatly. This was the very first post of actress in social networks after childbirth: "I squeeze in my hands a washed-up robe that has already become a soft rag ... With the edge of which I wipe the tears !? I do not want to photograph my feet or pens, all this is just her now and for those she chose as parents! .. Yes, guys, our daughter flew to the light! June 29, so she decided. Thanks to everyone who was sincere in their kind wishes to us! And bow to the ground of everyone who has ever given birth to a new man! How much we do not understand when it's not about us ... "

Lera helped

The heroine Zoe in the series "Real boys" has becomemother much earlier than the actress. And this was rescued by Berber. "The role of Lera was very useful to me in life: I remembered the rake, which attacked the characters of the series, and she did not allow such mistakes," she admitted. - When she became a mother, she began to understand her heroine even more. "The other eye" is such an expression. "Zoe Berber with her daughterThe first shot of Zoe and Alexander with his daughter laid out Vladimir SelivanovPhoto: @selivanov_v

Communicate with your beloved - through your daughter

Nadia's parents faced a familiar problemmany: the child pulled all the attention to himself, there was no time and energy left for himself. But Zoya and Alexander were able to rebuild in the right way. “With the advent of my daughter, the relationship with my man changed: we began to communicate through Nadia,” Zoya admitted. - We said goodbye through the child, met through the child. They forgot about each other. It's okay to rebuild. Sometimes you have to allow yourself to be alone. My beloved spoils me, arranges romantic dinners. Our life begins when the child falls asleep. This takes place at 21.30-22.00. We fall asleep ourselves at midnight, and from two in the morning until three, Nadia demands entertainment, at four in the morning my daughter wakes up and until six we have morning games, then the baby eats and falls asleep. It turns out that I sleep for about 5.5 hours. I manage to rest during the day. "

By the way

About her early career for Nadia, her parents do not dream. "It's too early to film in the movie. She will not understand this, she will not appreciate it. I will worry and think not about work, but how it is there, everything is all right, "Zoya Berber explained.

