What is the reader's diary for?

Reading is an important discipline in learning.first grader. But the kids still have a poorly developed memory and they quickly forget about what they read. Thanks to keeping a reader's diary, the child can always return to the work, and quickly find any information about the book.reader's diary 1 classKeeping a reader's diary for grade 1helps the child to improve the technique of reading. Photo: Getty In addition, keeping a reader's diary has a positive effect on the development of the child. Thanks to this kid:

  • love reading faster;
  • expand your horizons;
  • learn to talk about what they read;
  • will increase the speed of reading.

In addition, keeping a reader's diary improves the creative abilities of the baby. After all, he needs to independently figure out how to beautifully arrange this "cheat sheet".

How to make a reader diary

For the diary, it is desirable to take a general notebook incell, because thin will quickly lose its attractive appearance and a first grader will have no desire to fill it. In addition, it can quickly get lost. Together with your child, make a nice cover with the name of the student. If desired, you can decorate the binding with pictures or drawings. On the first pages, create a kind of memo, which indicate which literature you need to read. Template reader diary can be obtained from the teacher. But in most cases, teachers recommend drawing up a notebook at their discretion. As a rule, the reader's diary for first-graders consists of the following columns:

  • Title of the work.
  • Author.
  • Genre. Here you need to specify what exactly the kid read: a fairy tale, a story, a story, a verse, etc.
  • Illustration. A child can draw a small picture for the piece himself. If the kid has problems with drawing, then print the finished illustrations.
  • A small review. In this column, the baby should summarize the content of the work. In addition, the child is recommended to leave a review of the read.

You should make entries in the diary immediately afterreading. In this case, the impressions of the read are fresh and bright, and it is easier for the child to share them. Keeping a reader's diary instills first-grader love of books. Thanks to this “cheat sheet” the kid learns to express his thoughts, besides his reading skills are improved.

