Pig and Filya. Good night, children!A photo: Olga YakunchevaA little patients of the hospital named after Pichugin could see the present Piggy and Fily from the program "Good night, kids!" The heroes of the favorite program arrived in Perm to spend the holiday for the guys. The child was vying with each other verses, singing to the characters, laughing at their jokes. It was especially cheerful when Pryusha suddenly called everyone "permetaynichkami" and "perepetachechkami." And when Fily corrected him, he was surprised: what's wrong? "It was invented fifty years ago not by us, but by some very good artists," Oksana Chabanyuk, "mother" of Piggy, confessed after the concert. - I went with "ABVGDeyki", and now many people use this joke-reprise. But here it is important how to submit it. That is, "permetainichki" sounds, but with Ufa it is more difficult to come up with an option. "Woman's Day asked the Spookies stars about their favorite dishes, fashionable outfits and plans for the future. Of course, the actors were Oksana Chabanyuk and Andrei Nechaev. But they did not leave the images for a moment. So we got a real interview with Piglet and Pig!Piggy and his "mother" Oksana ChabanyukPiggy and his "mother" Oksana ChabanyukPhoto: Olga YakunchevaYou flew to us on the plane. Was not it scary?FilletWe often fly.PiggyAnd I'm always afraid! There's so much shaking: holes-holes-holes! FilletAnd I always reassure Piggy. I say: "Pig, it's a side wind. It should be so. And this is turbulence: uh! - and down. As on a swing-carousel. "There are rumors that" Good night, little ones "will soon start showing in China ...FilletI first hear about this. Pig, and you?PiggyIn Vladivostok, one hundred and only Chinese. Well and beautiful: they are here, we will be in China. The more of us, the better. There will be a Chinese Piggy. And I will have a Chinese piglet!FilletAnd then I will be a Chinese Phil.PiggyThe main thing is that Filetka, not Korean!Phil and his "father" Andrei NechaevPhil and his "father" Andrei NechaevPhoto: Olga YakunchevaA what country would you like to go to, with what guys dream to talk? FilletI would like to circumnavigate the globe. On a yacht to sail through all countries.PiggyAnd I'm a patriot of Russia! I would by boat on the Volga, along the Oka, along the Kama, along the Lena passed. Then to the Far East, Siberia. North, then south ... How do foreign children react to you?PiggyPerfectly! And the foreign Father Frost gave me a bonnet like this (shows a red cap, - Ed.). That is, we have Santa Claus, and they call it Santa Claus. And now I'm walking in this cap, because it's cold here in Perm.Good night, children! In PermGood night, children! In PermGood night, children! In PermGood night, children! In PermGood night, children! In Perm1 / 5- Well, how do you like my present?Photo: Olga Yakuncheva Khrusha and Fillet at the concert helped the composer Vladimir Schukin ... Photo: Olga Yakuncheva ... and the pilot of the KAMAZ-master team, the winner of the Dakar-2014 rally Andrey Karginov Photo: Olga YakunchevaPhoto: Olga YakunchevaPhoto: Olga YakunchevaYou are both smart, beautiful. And who is the biggest mod in "Good night, kids"? FilletWell, Pig, of course.PiggyAre you crazy? Karkusha! She's our first woman of fashion - she's also a girl. I like to dress beautifully, but Karkusha is a real fashionista. In general, we have a whole wardrobe. Wardrobe! We sew clothes stylist-fashion designer. She comes, takes measurements?PiggyOf course. They undress me, measure me, tickle me (laughs, - Ed.)

