Pulcher: Care and Maintenance Guidelines

Parrots are small sized fish:The body length of an adult is only 7-10 cm. It is recommended to keep them in schools, and therefore, despite the miniature size of representatives of this species, you will need to purchase an aquarium with a volume of at least 150 liters.pulcherPulcher does not tolerate bright light well andprefers to hide in the shade of plantsPhoto: Getty Representatives of this species live in pairs - to avoid conflicts in the aquarium, you will need to fill the bottom with all sorts of snags, small clay pots and other elements that will help divide the territory into separate zones. There are other rules regarding the maintenance of pulcher:

  • A replacement of 20% of water is performed weekly; an oxygen saturation system and filters with peat elements must be installed in the aquarium.
  • The recommended temperature is between 22 and 27 degrees; during spawning, it can be increased by a couple of degrees.
  • Water parameters: hardness level not more than 15, neutral acidity from 6 to 7.5.

Parrots are indifferent to their surroundingsvegetation - they do not spoil or eat it. Therefore, any types of plants can be used in the aquarium, the main thing is that there is free space and the fish receive a sufficient amount of diffused light.

Compatibility pulcherov with other species

Compatibility of pulchers with other speciesaquarium fish is a controversial issue. Experienced aquarists recommend settling parrots only in species aquariums, because although they have a peaceful nature, they can cause inconvenience to neighbors due to their excessive activity. They should never be placed with slow goldfish - cichlids will eat their fins and tails. In addition, cribbensis eat shrimp, eggs and fry of other fish. The following species can be suitable as neighbors for them:

  • Mollies;
  • barbs;
  • swordsmen.

It is recommended to keep parrots in a species-specific environment.aquarium also because of the tendency to overeat. It is necessary to carefully dose the volumes of food given out, otherwise pulchers will quickly die. Any type of food is suitable for them, including frozen and dry, but the diet must include plant supplements, for example, lettuce. Of the live food, kribensis prefer bloodworms and daphnia. Pulcher is a beautiful fish that does not require special care. You just need to equip the aquarium with everything necessary and follow the feeding regime, then there will be no problems with keeping representatives of this species. Also interesting:

