My daughter Alexandra 16. The tender age that parents are so afraid of. After all, everyone knows that the current youth is not what we were. They are licentious and irresponsible, lazier, and they have no interests - there is only one Internet in the head, a party and the opposite sex. And then there's teenage maximalism and no respect for the parents. Whether we were responsible, sensible. Or not?Photo:Getty As soon as this dirty trick begins to twirl on my tongue: “But at your age ... (I earned money, thought about the future, defended my doctorate, saved the starving seals of Africa ...),” I immediately blush and start laughing. The phrase, never being born, curls up into a dusty ball and moves away. And all because the comparison will clearly not be in my favor. What happened to me at 16? First, I graduated from high school. Secondly, for three years by that time she had met Sasha's future father. Yes, I was a bad girl. Thirdly, I tested bad habits: I smoked (it is true, I hid it from my parents), and with alcohol was already, if not on “hey, you,” then definitely not on “you.” In general, there is nothing to brag about. Except perhaps the relative success in school and the rare reading among my peers. As soon as my tongue starts to spin: "but I am at your age ...", I blush. Comparison is not in my favor Yes, well-read people were even then, 20 years ago, a rarity. So attacks like “You’re all on your phone, you don’t want to read a book” - well, I don’t know ... But at the age of 16 you really spent all your time reading books? Come on. Well, seriously, remember yourself in your 16 - yes, damn it in your head there was work in the volunteer corps, studies and books about the development of humanism. And for sure, the easiest way to motivate you for diligent study or selfless help to your parents was with the help of the power of a magic pendel. No? Then you are a rare exhibit, let me have your autograph. But back to two specific girls, that is, to me and my daughter. Let the girl Alexandra really be lazy, really stick on social networks, does not shine with enthusiasm for volunteering in the wilds of Africa, but the old woman's groaning “But I…” she will never hear from me for sure. Because she is better. She is already better than I was at her age. Love your kids Photo: Getty At what moments it is worth biting the tongue

  • Twirling in front of a mirror, diligently dyeing eyelashes

I want to blurt out: “Well, what are you painting yourself? Your main adornment is youth!” Remember: your first gatherings for a date or a disco. These monstrous lilac shadows. Clustered eyelashes. And mom's grumbling about the fact that only girls of easy virtue are brightly painted. Remember? Now take a brush and show how it is right - in order to measure and accurately.

  • Lying on the couch and giggling, looking at the phone

Have you already started saying: “There's nothing to do? Physics learned? It would have been better to wash the dishes (it wiped the dust, helped the mother in the kitchen, walked with the dog)? What thoughts were in your head? That's right: "It seems that ancestors just infuriates when I'm not doing anything." There is a deal of truth in it. Other people's idleness is annoying, especially when he is tired. But you can ask for help, gently ask about the lessons, and take a walk with the dog. Or - now I will say sedition, attention! - postpone household chores and also peacefully lie on the couch!Photo: Getty

  • Brings not the best quarter marks.

Just do not start this here: “And Tanya Sideeva (a set of letters in the name and surname is arbitrary) learns excellent, helps her mom, she nurses with her brother, walks to basketball, learns Japanese and succeeds in everything.” Try this passage yourself. Compare yourself with a classmate who has his own business and who spends his New Year in a new country, changes cars like gloves, bought a five-room apartment in the center. Nicely? So shut up better.

  • Puts on a desperately stupid outfit

“Did you remember your skirt?”, “What kind of a hoodie is this?"," And what, men's shoes are now in fashion? ". Oh, everyone. Remember how the green leggings and leopard skirts themselves were worn. And mini dresses too. Like Lurex, stupid handbag with rhinestones and a vest with sequins. Style in the kid should be brought up, and not to mock. Especially if you yourself do not have a standard and wear boyfriends with studs.

  • Solicited to the club

Oh, it's hard here. Just want to determine the deadline for return - 23 hours and not a minute later. Otherwise, a panic begins: the baby will get involved in the story, find trouble for itself, someone will offend it. Remember: you yourself in 17 years did not walk until the morning? So what? Always drunk till you drop and were engaged in lewdness? Or do you not trust your child so much that it seems to you that she is just over the threshold - how is alcohol and depravity right there? Try to arrange for reciprocal calls or SMS - once an hour is enough. And you are in the know, and the child of the precious is not too tense, which will look "not cool" in the company.

