It seems this woman will never settle down.Drugs, alcohol, promiscuous relationships ... By the age of 30, Lindsay Lohan even managed to spend 10 days in prison for drunk driving. With the news of pregnancy, fans of the actress began to hope: maybe now Cool Georgia will decide to settle down? But no. The other day, the paparazzi managed to make another sensational footage. The future mother Lindsay Lohan is resting with friends on a yacht, while smoking like a steam locomotive and quenching his thirst with alcohol! The appearance of the actress also leaves much to be desired. Double chin, sagging breasts, flabby buttocks, bruises on the body ... I wonder what the father of the unborn child thinks about all this?Photo: Recall that currently Lohan's boyfriend is 23-year-old Russian millionaire Yegor Tarabasov. According to rumors, it was he who became the father of the actress's child. By the way, the other day this information was confirmed by Lindsay's father. “She wrote me a message, and then confirmed it in a conversation,” Michael told reporters. “But I don’t know how long she has” (read more). Photo:By the way, it is worth noting that Lohan is far from the first stellar mother who sets a bad example for future moms and teenagers. Previously, Angelina Jolie disappointed her fans. The mother of six children, we recall, was caught smoking (read more).

