News about the interesting situation Sobchak latestthree years have been appearing with enviable regularity ... Ever since Sobchak and Vitorgan secretly signed in 2013. But this time, it seems, everything is for real. After Sobchak appeared at the exhibition of Lev Bakst in Moscow, almost no one had any doubts: the blonde in chocolate and the main socialite of the country in position (read more). Friends and fans of the star immediately began to shower Ksenia with congratulations. And someone even remarked: “Gee! Before, after all, Ksenia spoke in a completely different way! " How did you say? What did you say? The editorial staff of Woman’s Day took and remembered all the brightest statements of the star presenter and her husband on the topic of family and children. And this is what we ended up with ...Photo: the press-service

"Do not turn a child into a kote"

Most often about children Xenia spoke inown microblogging. And why would she have another playground? After all, her thoughts are monitored daily by three million subscribers. "What is it? Adult people compete with each other, demonstrating children's belongings and foul sotsseti children's drawings. What is it like? I understand still to sit on the forums of children's sites, to discuss where the speech therapist is better or where to give the daughter a daughter, - ok, this is at least of practical importance, but equating your own child with a kote ... Is that what it is? "- a popular TV presenter wrote.Photo by: @xenia_sobchak

"I do not want to have children at 60"

"I do not want to have no children at the age of 60. Now I do not understand why they need me. But I understand that I'm 33 years old. And the nature has disposed this way, that this question should be somehow solved to 40 years. The earlier the better. Time is running. But I have a big contradiction between biological necessity and the fact that I like my life today. I'm afraid that with the children all this will change very much. I do not understand why I need these changes. When people get bored, when they need more love and tenderness, they want children. Everything suits me, "the journalist told in an interview with Radio Liberty.Photo: Ivanov Sergey /

"I will be responsible mother"

"I know that if I am a mother, then I will be veryresponsible mother. You have to give a lot to the child to grow up in love, so that he feels always full, "Sobchak confessed after the wedding to the program" Russian sensations "on NTV.

"A child is not a personal flasher"

"It's not that I'm against children, no. But I am against the fact that in our society there is a cult of procreation. You give birth to children for yourself, and do not turn it into heroism. Figuratively speaking, here I have given birth to a child, now let me go ahead of everything! A child is not a personal flasher, I'm not a detonator, and in some foreseeable future, not now, they will be with me. I'm not against children - I'm against the cult. I will not upload photos of the baby in the "Instagram". I'm horrified at events like the debutant ball, where adult women dress their daughters under themselves and polish them with diamonds. My first diamonds were given to me by a man. In this sense, you can consider me a man of the old generation. Children should be, but this is not the only thing for which a woman lives in this world. I have no women's problems, I'm sure that I will have a child. But do not turn this into a situation with cats, "the star revealed during an interview with Elle.Photo by: @xenia_sobchak

"If you give birth, then only in the buzz"

"If you give birth, then only for yourself and only whenyou want, "Sobchak said in an interview with NTV. - And only when you are in high. While this is not one of my priorities, but, perhaps, someday it will change. Even more, I'm sure that will change. Well just right now? "Get a raccoon!" - "Why do we need it?" I always react to these questions so much that I do not even need a raccoon. I am now 34, to 40 are six years old. I still have time to get the privilege of having a large mother. "Photo by: @xenia_sobchak

"Let's get something done"

Maxim Vitorgan, it's easy to see, about childrenspeaks much less often. Maybe because he already has two from his previous marriage with actress Victoria Verberg ... And the journalists do not torture him that much, and yet in the program "Invisible Man" on TV-3 under the pressure of Evelina Bledans, the actor confessed that he dreams of a small "Ksenia and I are now rolling up our sleeves to work on this. I do not know whether it's a girl or a boy, but someone must come. "

