How to determine the sex of the physiological characteristics and shape of the abdomen?

A son, unlike a daughter, does not take away his mother's beauty. A woman retains her attractiveness during pregnancy. Skin rashes appear quite rarely.pregnancy by a boyWhen a boy is pregnant a woman every daybecomes more attractivePhoto: GettyThe zhivot gets round shape. He is a little down. On it appears a strip of bright hue. She passes along it with an offset to the left side. If a woman waits for a boy, she has a waist, which, however, is not as pronounced as before pregnancy. From the back you can not say that a woman is in an interesting position. It is possible to determine that a son is born, by the color of the breast aura. He gets a dark shade. The breasts themselves are poured, and the right one swells more than the left one. When carrying a boy, a woman exhibits excessive hairiness. This means that there are male hormones in her body.

Differences in emotional state at an early date

A woman who carries a son under her heart,pregnancy is easy. She is not tormented by toxicosis. It passes quite quickly. The mood of the expectant mother is no different from usual. Only sometimes there may be emotional outbursts. This depends on the woman's character. If she was hot-tempered and tearful before pregnancy, this will also happen during pregnancy. A woman who is expecting a son may have a headache every day. Because of this, she experiences a loss of strength and apathy. It is interesting that the appetite does not disappear. The baby in the womb wants to eat a lot.

Folk beliefs during pregnancy as a boy

When carrying a son, the expectant mother gives preference to the following products:

  • acute;
  • salty;
  • milk;
  • meat;
  • fish.

Also, she can not deny myself sweet. In this case, it is enough to eat one candy. She will refuse cake or to find outFolk omens will tell you how to find out the genderfuture childPhoto: GettyAccording to popular belief, the boy's heart beats more often. A woman constantly hears the heartbeat of her son. If during sleep the child pushes the mother to the right side, there will be a boy.

How to find out the sex of the child by other signs?

If according to physiological characteristics and folkIf beliefs cannot determine whether there will be a son or a daughter, practical methods can be used. Our ancestors used them. They are still popular today:

  • You will need a wedding ring. They tie a thread to it and hang it over the belly of the future mom. If the ring rotates, there will be a son. In this method, you can use a sewing needle.
  • The husband must put a key on the door on the table and ask his wife to take it. If she pulls to the long part of the key, then there will be a hero.
  • If the family already has children, you need to remember what word they said first. For example, if they pronounced "dad", in this case, the next child must wait for their son.
  • According to popular belief, during wars and armed conflicts, the birth rate of male children is increasing.

To determine what will be the son, you can specialthe calendar. It indicates the days in which the conception of a boy can occur. To do this, you need to find in it the estimated date of conception. If it is not installed exactly, you can view information about the days coming from it. You can determine the sex of the child according to beliefs, but you should not be guided by them. Often a woman who wears a future heir, she feels it herself. Many mummies in the period of gestation are very aggravated intuition, and she does not fail them. But in order to accurately determine the sex of the child, you can be examined. It is carried out on the 4th month of pregnancy with an ultrasound - then the genitals are already sufficiently formed to be able to find out who will be born.

