Pregnancy after a stiff pregnancy For every woman, the birth of a child isa whole event that she looks forward to for a long time, thinks up a name right away and prepares a dowry with her dad. Children make a person happier, kinder and more mature. It is always necessary to approach this responsibly, step by step, planning everything correctly - only then will you provide comfortable conditions for yourself and your children. But sometimes unpredictable situations can happen, which are better approached seriously and wisely. A frozen pregnancy is one of the most unpleasant ailments for a woman, it is a pathology in which either the embryo does not form immediately, although conception was successful, or an already older fetus dies. Intrauterine development can stop at any time, but most often from conception to 14 weeks, that is, in the first trimester. After death, a miscarriage usually occurs, but in some cases the fetus can remain inside. Rarely does such a problem affect families leading a healthy lifestyle and planning a pregnancy, but in any case, no one is immune from such troubles. The first signs appear approximately 1.5-2 weeks after the fetus has stopped developing. It is very important to undergo examination and treatment after a frozen pregnancy in order to become pregnant again.treatment after a stiff pregnancy

Treatment of a stiff pregnancy

Unfortunately, things don't always work out right away.smoothly due to a number of different reasons and the pregnancy can stop, while the fetus stops developing or dies. In this case, a medical operation or drug intervention is needed to remove the embryo. If the time frame allows and you have chosen drug treatment, then you will need to immediately just take a few pills prescribed for this case by the doctor and wait for the result. Such treatment is carried out at the very beginning of pregnancy. The miscarriage will occur on its own, but after it, it is imperative to do an ultrasound of the uterus for the presence of residual tissues that can lead to inflammatory processes. Otherwise, the woman's life will be exposed to serious risks. Also, in the early stages, you can do a cleaning using the vacuum aspiration method - this is a method of "sucking" the fetus out of the womb, less traumatic than classic curettage. In the later stages, the best way to remove the fetus is considered to be artificial labor, when a special solution is introduced into the uterus, thereby provoking contractions, after which a dead fetus is born. In European countries, they try not to carry out treatment in the first trimester, since they believe that the female body is designed in such a way that it will definitely reject an embryo that has not taken root or died. In our country, doctors consider themselves obliged to act at the first confirmation. Problems with the course of pregnancy entail stress in the mother and changes in the functioning of the female body, therefore, for subsequent successful conceptions and gestation, if the girl managed to get pregnant, certain conditions, research and, possibly, psychological preparation are necessary. In order not to harm your body, pay attention to the signs, whether they match this list or not. Signs of a frozen pregnancy:

  • Absence of nausea, heartburn, fatigue or drowsiness, but this is not an excuse for worry;
  • Acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Spotting spotting;
  • Decreased basal and increased total body temperature;
  • At later terms, this is a reduced activity or lack of fetal movements;
  • The breast stopped swelling.

If you notice these signs in yourself, thenyou should definitely see a doctor! Untimely treatment can have a negative effect on the woman's body, and in the most extreme (neglected) cases, fatal outcomes are possible. After the death of the fetus, after 1.5-2 months, if the problem is not identified in time, complex malignant processes occur, as a result of which the blood loses its ability to clot, which can be fraught with severe bleeding. That is why it is so important not to delay in contacting a doctor. It often happens that a frozen pregnancy occurs without visible signs and symptoms, and is discovered only during a routine examination or ultrasound examination, when the expected size of the fetus does not correspond to the norm of size for the period. History knows of cases when a woman carried twins, gave birth to one healthy child, and the second died long before birth. But due to the lack of ultrasound machines several decades ago, it was much more difficult to determine this. Why freezing can occur has not yet been proven exactly, scientists are actively working on this issue. After all, recently cases of embryonic development arrest have been increasing, and some specialists have noticed a “wave” of women seeking help with similar problems.after a stiff pregnancy

Why could a fade occur?

The first reason comes from the genetics of the parents.If both partners had some pathology, it could reunite and be transmitted to the embryo, in this case the irreparable happens. This is a kind of accident or the will of nature. Everyone knows that alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances have a negative effect on the body of any person, and especially on a pregnant woman. Various infectious diseases of the genitourinary system also lead to similar consequences, as well as work related to hazardous production, stress, lack of sleep and overwork, serious diseases like rubella, chickenpox. These are only known factors, but it happens that a frozen pregnancy is observed in absolutely healthy women for unclear reasons. No matter how tragic such a situation may seem, you need to pull yourself together and not kill yourself, but begin an examination as soon as possible, as well as treatment, in order to give birth to a healthy baby in the future. Tell yourself "I can"! Approach the problem wisely: if it so happens that the child is not born, then this is nature's will, because the child could have been born with pathologies or died after birth, which could increase the stress of the parents.

How does fetal fading occur?

There are two ways in which frozen pregnancy can occur.pregnancy. In the first case, this is the drying up of the dead fetus, which has practically no effect on the female body after its extraction. In this case, serious and deep treatment is not necessary, except for treating the cause of the problem, but time is needed to restore the walls of the uterus if surgical curettage was performed. In the second case, a more unpleasant phenomenon occurs - the decomposition of the fetus inside the female body, which, in principle, leads to poisoning of the general blood flow and thinning of the blood. In this case, immediate surgical intervention and subsequent treatment are important. After this type of frozen pregnancy, treatment is necessary, since neglect of the problem can lead to serious consequences.

Planning pregnancy after a stiff pregnancy

Many women ask:«Can I get pregnant after this?» It should be remembered that a subsequent pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy is undesirable for six months, since the female body needs time to recover and get stronger. Allow the walls of the uterus to return to normal, and most importantly, restore the hormonal background. Do not forget about contraception, because otherwise a subsequent interrupted pregnancy is possible through a miscarriage or repeated freezing, cessation of development and death of the embryo. Often, an important fact is the moral preparation of a woman for such a responsible phenomenon as the first pregnancy, not to mention pregnancy after a frozen one. Often, a miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy followed by curettage or medical induction of labor causes severe stress. If you feel that it is not easy for you to cope on your own, seek psychological help, because your future baby should grow up in favorable conditions in every sense. In order to begin treatment and recovery of the body after an unsuccessful pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct a series of studies and take tests, the results of which may show the cause of the problem. You should not give up and hope for a miracle. Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy is possible - you just need to put in a little more effort.Pregnancy after death

Analyzes and examinations after fading

  • Karyotyping - research of geneticstructures. This is a very expensive analysis, the implementation of which is carried out by geneticists. With repeated fading pregnancy or miscarriage, it can be made on a budgetary basis, but for this it is necessary to ask a referral from your gynecologist from the women's consultation.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Various blood tests for hormones: progesterone, estrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone, thyroid hormones, luteinizing hormone, prolactin.
  • Analyzes in the form of a smear for hidden infections, such as mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, herpes, papillomavirus, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus.
  • Histological examination of the embryo.

Sometimes doctors offer to do an analysis forгенетическую совместимость партнеров. Следует знать, что не только женщине нужно проходить полное обследование, но и ее партнеру, чтобы наверняка установить причину, которая может быть не единственной. Если за случившимся стоит инфекция, то важно понять, какая именно, сделав дополнительные анализы. В большинстве случаев после подобных обследований удается узнать повод возникновения замершей беременности. Далее происходит ее устранение, назначается курс лечения, по окончании которого обязательно нужно сдать повторно анализы, но не все, а лишь некоторые из первоначального списка. Если явных причин возникновения прерывания беременности не было установлено, то лечение может вовсе не понадобиться, так как замершая беременность была всего лишь случайностью и вы абсолютно здоровы. Но восстановиться организму все равно нужно. Планируя последующую беременность, в первую очередь следует сделать необходимые прививки, которые идут относительно вашего возраста по плану. График прививок есть у вашего лечащего врача. Обязательно не забыть про прививки от кори, краснухи, возможно, ветрянки, ведь на современном этапе есть и такая вакцина. Отличным вариантом избавления от стресса будет посещение санатория или эстетический отдых в живописных уголках мира. Также это поможет зарядиться позитивным настроем, направить свои мысли на прекрасное. Учеными установлено, что если у человека в душе порядок, то будет порядок и в жизни. Обязательно откажитесь от вредных привычек, как бы тяжело это ни было, ведь намного важнее ваше будущее и малыш, а не неожиданно нахлынувшее желание. Ждать беременности, а лишь потом исключать сигареты и алкоголь – опрометчивый поступок, ведь даже минимальное количество может быть причиной замершей беременности. Поэтому начать действовать необходимо сразу, причем еще до планируемого зачатия. Возможно, придется подобрать гормональные контрацептивы, которые обладают оздоровительным эффектом и восстанавливают менструальный цикл. Но не нужно заниматься самолечением и выбирать, как вам кажется, лучшие противозачаточные. Если вы ранее не пользовались ими, то знайте, что их действие на каждого различное, поэтому, исходя из особенностей вашего индивидуального организма, врач назначит именно те, которые подойдут вам. Важно позаботиться и о правильном питании, включив в свой ежедневный рацион продукты, богатые питательными компонентами, витаминами и минералами. Но это не исключает употребление и поливитаминов, назначенных врачом. Употребляйте творог, рыбу, фрукты и овощи в обязательном порядке, но не в ущерб вашему организму, если имеется какая-либо индивидуальная непереносимость отдельных продуктов. Все исследования и восстановление организма – это очень длительный и трудоемкий процесс. При сомнительных ситуациях обращайтесь к нескольким специалистам или делайте повторные анализы, чтобы однозначно знать о наличии заболевания или же его полном устранении после прохождения назначенного лечения. Как бы вам тяжело ни казалось, идите к своей цели, сжав кулаки и веруя в благополучный исход, и у вас обязательно все получится! Даже после замершей беременности вы выносите и родите абсолютно здорового и активного малыша, который будет вас всегда только радовать! Главное — сказать себе: «Я могу забеременеть!»

