We are the last generation that parents do notfilmed on smartphones. And our children's portfolio began, as a rule, from 9-12 months. Now many mothers have a mandatory item in the program - a photo session in the first week after birth. While the baby is still similar to the crumb that was sitting in the stomach, while the original fluff remained on the body. Still, the client is special, you still have to get along with it. As a rule, these are cute girls and women, in whose hands even the most capricious baby calms down.A photo: freeze-frame It would seem that a children's photo session is a common thing in our time. However, there were such moms who turned out to be strongly opposed to this procedure. Not so long ago, a video from the filming of kids appeared on social networks. The frame shows how the photographer holds a naked baby in his hands, lays him on a blanket, straightens his hands, straightens his head for a better angle. The baby is silent, allowing a foreign aunt to move herself as she pleases. Everything seems to be happy, but not the commentators. "The horror, my heart sank." “Where are the parents looking at ?!” “What a pity, unhappy kid,” the woman’s video author hit. In their opinion, the child suffers and suffers from the photographer’s actions during the shooting. , you can not twist them and turn. " "And if the photographer inaccurately turns the handle?". “A flash? What is it for the child's vision? "It got, of course, to the mothers who allowed such" bullying "of the child." How the kittens are treated with such parents and birth injuries are not needed. " “Only were born, and already such loads. Parents are abnormal. ” And, of course, it was not without superstition. “Naked and sleeping children take off a very bad omen. Do not mothers know about this ?. “A pregnant woman used to wear a wide dress. It was she who protected the baby in the womb from the evil eye. Up to two months, friends and girlfriends did not come to look at the newborn, so as not to jinx it. And now the child did not have time to be born, he is being played, and everyone is on display. And then they are looking for the cause of all the sores. ”In general, if you haven’t been able to cure snot in a child for a week, you should know that the photo once laid out on Instagram is to blame.

Photographer's comment

- Nowadays some mothers are more aggressive than grandmothersin lines, - jokes children's photographer Anna Vatutina. - Let them watch videos of European and American photographers. They don't stand on ceremony with children - they lay them down, change poses, quickly and confidently. If the baby was uncomfortable, believe me, he would not remain silent. Yes, you have to, as some mothers say, turn the child. But parents should understand that otherwise there will be no beautiful photos. All the poses that I see in the videos are quite natural, with head support. In addition, children are not as fragile as many people think.

