Perhaps the most unpleasant in the children's "Golos" -These are the moments when none of the mentors turn to the kids. Alas, everyone can not get into the project. But to look at the tears of small participants is simply impossible, and the heart is torn to pieces. And the girls and boys cry. Mentors even have to sometimes run out onto the stage and reassure beginning artists. But this guy from the Moscow region, having suffered a fiasco, behaved himself on the stage quite unexpectedly. 14-year-old Ivan Yastrebov wasn’t that he was not upset, but, on the contrary, managed to turn a defeat into his finest hour. However, neither he, nor Nbsha or Bilan turned to this participant. What after regret. Photo:Maxim Li When the song ended and the mentors' chairs were turned to face the stage, they cried out in surprise: a tall, handsome guy in an elegant white suit with his hair slicked back was standing in front of them - well, little Andrei Mironov. Of course, he was bombarded with compliments, but, alas, it was already impossible to change the decision. But Ivan did not even show that he was upset. He bowed like a real artist, thanked the mentors for their attention, politely listened to all their comments, and then left the stage with his head held high. "Very original," Meladze expressed his opinion to his colleagues after the boy left. Here is an example of how any situation can be turned to your advantage. Well, Vanya did not go to the "Voice", but he was able to be remembered! Or maybe some director will look at him now and see the future actor in the guy. In general, the allocated airtime Yastrebov used to the maximum.

