And now the details. "Inhuman" from the point of view of the stronger sex (and with ours - so, on the contrary, just right) the experiment was set at the University of Lincoln in Tennessee. The students were offered to experience wrestling. Yes, yes, those same ones that are before attempts. Who gave birth, he remembers: so-so sensation. Khrabrets found himself alone. Johnny Wade. The future nurse. To the lower abdomen, a special apparatus was connected to him, simulating the process by means of electrical discharges. "A partner in childbirth" was his classmate, who had an honorable role - soothingly patting the "mother" on the shoulders and saying: "Breathe, breathe!"Photo:Still from the video Do you know how long this hero lasted? Less than 20 seconds! The young man was screaming in pain, and all his fellow students at their desks were dying of laughter. After the experiment, the guy admitted: the pain was unbearable. “I do extreme sports, I often get various injuries. I have something to compare with, - quotes a participant in the Daily Mail experiment. - But I have never experienced pain like this. At the same time, the young man admitted that the simulator certainly does not convey the full depth of sensations that a woman experiences. you experience when your abdominal muscles are literally torn apart, says Johnny. Do you know why the guy first volunteered to pass this test? He is a father himself. And more than once. And his wife often made fun of him. Like, you will never understand what it is. But he understood! “When at the end I wanted to shout out the stop word to stop the experiment, I couldn't even utter it,” John flinches nervously, recalling his feelings. Let's add that three years ago, similar demonstrations began in China. And there the men had to endure more than a few seconds. The strength of the discharges was gradually increased, in the same way as real contractions grow. “Only a few have reached the scale identical to the peak of labor pain,” summed up the Chinese doctors.

