Who said that first class is the most exciting? No, the first line is, of course, agitating, like everything new. But the whole 11th grade is one continuous excitement. After all, ahead of the exam, graduation, admission ... We found out which star children all this happiness will be in this academic year.

Sergey Bakov, son of Anna Mikhalkova

Anna Mikhalkova with childrenAnna Mikhalkova with children1 / 2Photo: @ anikiti4naPhoto: @ anikiti4naAnna Nikitichna - mother of many children. She has two sons-pogodkov - Andrew and Sergey - and daughter Lida, quite a baby. Andrew this year graduated from school. And to his brother (with whom they were born on the same day, by the way, with a difference of a year), all the fun is still to come. As the future graduate himself admitted, he dreams of learning to play billiards masterly. And then - become a director.

Alexandra Zulina, daughter of Tatiana Navka

Sasha ZhulinaTatiana Navka with children1 / 2Photo: @ sashazhulinaPhoto: @ tatiana_navkaSasha, she is the singer Alexia. The girl not so long ago presented the premiere of the video for the song written for her by Max Fadeev - “Fell in love”. In two weeks, more than a million people watched it. Most liked it. Sasha is learning to sing quite professionally. As her father, Alexander Zhulin, confessed, they hired the same vocal teacher for the girl, who also worked with Polina Gagarina. So it is possible that after school Sasha will be engaged in a creative career.

Artem Orlov, son of Olga Orlova

Olga Orlova with her sonSon of Olga Orlova Artem1 / 2Photo: @ olgaorlova1311Photo: @ bearcoat_brunoI can't say that this eternally young beauty has such an adult son. But the fact is - Artemy goes to the 11th grade this year. “How fast time flies! And you're already 16, ”Olga congratulated her son on her birthday in May. Mom told me that Artem spends a lot of time studying. And shows a remarkable interest in the economy. Perhaps the young financial genius is growing up in the family of the singer? Time will tell. In any case, the young man was not seen in the major parties. And it pleases.

Sonya Kiperman, daughter of Vera Brezhnev

Vera Brezhneva and Sonya KipermanSonia KipermanVera Brezhneva and Sonya Kiperman1 / 3Photo: @ sonya_kooperPhoto: @ sonya_kooperPhoto: @ sonya_kooper A young beauty has already managed to try herself as an actress, starring in a couple of episodes of "The Vampire Diaries", lit up as a promising model. But she will finish school only next year! Sonia is studying at the British International School, interning abroad. To the question “Who to be?” The girl has not yet finally answered. But he knows that in the footsteps of his mother will not go, but the world of fashion is very attractive Sonya. Maybe a model? Maybe a trendy browser? Good luck, Sonya!

Anna-Maria Efremova

A photo: @ afolder About the daughter of the famous artist Mikhail Efremov little is known. The girl is studying in a private school near Moscow, going through the usual stages of a teenage rebellion such as a love of gothic style or hair painted in lilac. He is fond of various things: he plays the bass guitar, writes poems in different languages ​​- even in Latin! Therefore, to predict who Anna Maria will become, we do not undertake.

