Elena Isinbayeva, athletics

Daughter Eve Elena gave birth on June 28, 2014.- I wanted to call my daughter, as her husband says, inappropriate names. Olympia in honor of the Olympics. Or Dolphin, because I really love dolphins. But Nikita said it would be Eve. And I agreed! By the way, Eve outwardly - a copy of her husband. Friends say to me: “Lena, do not be offended, but there is nothing of yours here.” I take no offence. After all, my character is Eve. Explosive! We are not sitting on the spot. I returned Isinbayeva’s training very soon. “Both I and my trainer Yevgeny Trofimov doubted whether I should return to the sport,” said Isinbayeva in an interview to Channel One. - Still, the age is already with me, and gave birth. But when Eva turned three months old, the fans began to ask me very often: “Lena, will you still speak, will we see you?” And Yevgeny Vasilyevich and I decided that we needed to return. My relatives and children help us to sit. grandmothers, ”Elena admitted in an interview with Wday.ru“ Today I have 100% employment. The first half of the day I train, the second - we work in the fund, looking for projects, partners. Without the support of my parents and my husband's parents, I would not have done it. She and her daughter are in the afternoon, and I am now only in the morning and at night. Unfortunately, the athlete, alas, did not get to the Olympics in Brazil. But Elena with character, did not submit to this goal, she set herself a new one. To give birth to another child. “I am a girl, I need to strengthen my family, to expand. Therefore, I will concentrate on increasing the number. This is a more rewarding business. ”

Olga Zabelinskaya, cycling

She debuted at the 2012 London Olympics.age 32 years. Mom of two children then won two bronze medals. Given that Zabelinsky was diagnosed with a heart defect in his childhood. In the medical card, crossed out by a black felt-tip pen, it was written in large letters: “sport is contraindicated”. Olga together with her mother started looking for a doctor who would take responsibility and put the stamp “Healthy”. And such a doctor was found at the Military Medical Academy. “Of course, this question arises all the time, because doctors hear heart murmurs, and they see something on the ultrasound,” says Olga. - But I have such a situation, that in a quiet state the vice is visible, and after the load everything disappears. It turns out that, on the contrary, I need to load myself all the time in order to feel good, and maybe this is also the reason why I ended up in sports. The older children were born to her during the Olympics - in 2004 and 2008. - With the first child did not take time out. I got off the bike two weeks before giving birth. She went to the maternity hospital on December 31 after training, planned to give birth on January 1. And she gave birth to the 12th. In the hospital I tried to walk up the stairs more to be in shape. And a month after giving birth, she already got on the bike and left for the training camp with her son Bogdan. And when Vitalik gave birth, she decided to take a break from cycling. There was no desire to train or chase at all. But when the child was six months old, she felt some unencumbered strength in herself. They rushed out, and I decided to return to the big sport. In April 2013, Olga had a third child - a daughter. A few months later, she performed at the World Championships. And soon it became known that Zabelinskaya was selected for her second Olympic Games. And not just selected, but brilliantly performed! On August 10, our Olga Zabelinskaya in the individual race with a separate start won the silver medal, having lost only a few seconds to an American athlete.

Anastasia Fesikova, swimming

London 2012 Olympics remembered NastyaZueva is not only a silver medal for 200 meters of breaststroke, but also a marriage proposal from swimmer Sergei Fesikov. Become his wife, he asked Nastya on the top of the London Ferris Wheel. In June 2014, Fesikova gave birth to a son, Maxim. Few people believed that after the birth and a one and a half year pause, she would return to the big sport. It will start life in the pool from scratch, even under a new surname, although all awards were won by Zueva, and for the swimming world this is a brand. But she returned, already in September 2014, started training. Although Nastya did not win any medals at the World Championships in Kazan-2015, the Russian record holder at all distances with a breaststroke can repeat her London achievement in Rio-2016 and even surpass her. - I am a very restless mother. Often worried, constantly thinking about my son. If it were not for my mother, who decided to help us and took maternity leave, I probably would not have been able to return to swimming. When we come to workouts, we take the child, and the grandmother is resting. Our son is such an anti-stress. When we see him, after training, all the fatigue passes, and with new forces we are again ready to go into battle, ”Nastya confessed in an interview to the Russia 1 channel.

