- There is no complete mutual understanding with the child,and there should not be, - says the musician. - Without contradictions, disputes between representatives of different generations, it is impossible to live and develop. I always gave my children the freedom to choose their own way of life. I do not press them, I do not impose my opinion, I just try not to repeat my mistakes. This, of course, does not save them from rakes and cones. But still, children would receive them much more if I did not give them my experience.Photo: Olga Pleteneva

I wanted my son to change his name

At one time I received a higher technical educationeducation, but eventually became a composer and musician. Rodion graduated from college in England, then received a red diploma in the Moscow Financial Academy. I was sure that he would devote his life to business, become very rich and successful. And the son decided to follow in my footsteps, threw a profitable affair and 20 years after the stunning success of the song "Lucy" returned to the scene. To admit, I was categorically against, although I did not give a kind. Did not begin to reproach: "I spent so much money on your education, and you!" The only thing, suggested that he take a pseudonym. I experienced that people of my age, despite all the talents of Rodion, will perceive him as the son of Oleg Gazmanov, trying to break through at the expense of a famous family name. But the son replied that this and his name also, and he will not take any stage names. And he is not afraid of difficulties and misunderstandings. In my opinion, this is really a man's act, worthy of respect. I'm always ready to help Rodion. Although before he was much more often asked to see his texts, to evaluate. Now, without me, he understands in which direction to move. He has great taste. And now I'm showing him my new songs, needing his eyes from the side. And he, sometimes, makes remarks, to which I listen. Rodion released an interesting album, his singles are played on the radio, he successfully participates in television shows (now, for example, in "Toch-in-the-Whip." - Note: "Antennas"). And plows for days. I am amazed or struck with its or his working capacity. I see how happy he is on stage, and I admit that I was wrong, I was wrong. Yet here its place, and not in business. Philip is now in search of himself. He studies, and along with his friends creates his own project. I can not tell you the details, the secret. I think you'll find out everything yourself soon. I will only note that this has nothing to do with creativity in general and music in particular. Although the art in his life is also present. The son is good at drawing, he is self-conscious. Even when Philip was small, Zurab Tsereteli saw his work and said that the guy has a future in the field of painting, the main thing is to develop talent. They appreciated the paintings of his son Nikas Safronov and Alexander Shilov. And although in college, where he studies Philip, he attends classes in fine arts, for him this is just one of the hobbies. The second is sport. I was drawn into it, looking at me. I saw that I exercise every day, train. And he also wanted to become strong. He was engaged in football, rugby, now mastering ju-jitsu and mixed martial arts. Therefore, it is physically well developed. It's no surprise that he is periodically offered to work as a model, and he does it with pleasure. And I do not see anything shameful in that. It's better to do sports than hang around bars, drink, smoke. And the girls athletically built guys like. Philip is a very addicted guy. When I was a child, I caught fire with the history of chivalry. I read the books in awe and studied the question thoroughly. I could describe the armor and weapons of a knight of any era down to the smallest details. Soon I switched to studying Russian weapons. And again I learned the theme "from" and "before". I very much want him to be interested in his future profession as well.

