Photo:English kids & teensEveryone knows that a vacation at a children's camp is useful. And if it is a thematic or specialized summer camp that provides not only an entertaining function, but also an educational one, then the benefit is doubly good.In the summer, most parents are concerned about one main question: what to do with the child? It is good when there is an opportunity to go with the whole family to the sea or send the child to grandma's in the village. But where to place a child who remains in the city? At the moment, the choice of camps is diverse: sports, art, school.For parents who dream of their child spending time usefully during the holidays, the option of a children's language camp will be attractive. In comparison with a school camp, a linguistic camp has an undeniable advantage - children can master languages in an easy, playful way, in a relaxed atmosphere, without being forced. This is unlimited communication, new acquaintances, new experience and knowledge. Firstly, children constantly communicate. With the help of unusual tasks (specially developed for the language camp), they can constantly speak a foreign language. Secondly, the camp program is varied and interesting, includes games, including outdoor games, creative tasks, films and cartoons... Very often, it is the camp that helps children who were not interested in learning a foreign language before, to get so carried away that it encourages them to continue learning at a higher level. A relaxed atmosphere, interesting topics and wonderful tasks, support from friends and teachers - all this will help remove the psychological barrier and "get the child talking". And also the language camp program is specially developed for a comprehensive repetition and consolidation of all the educational material that students have been studying for a whole year. This is a good chance to remember something, to improve something.