The first steps of the baby are great fun forparents. Even if you are already three times mom, like Oksana Samoilova, you still do not get tired of wondering at every achievement of your next child. Now the wife of rapper Dzhigana is delighted with the successes of the younger daughter of Maya, who recently turned one year old. Recall that this baby is the third child of the star pair. Spouses raise two more little princesses: 6-year-old Ariel and 3-year-old Leia.Oksana Samoylova and GiganPhoto:Maya just started walking the other day, and Oksana shared this event with her Instagram subscribers by posting a touching video. “Everyone should see the first steps in niches,” the happy mother wrote. The video was filmed at home: a charming baby smiles at the camera and squeezes a toy lizard in her arms. Oksana sits on the floor in her cozy pink pajamas. "Come on, just once!" - She asks her daughter to come closer. Maya prepares for a few seconds, and then takes four confident steps and falls into the arms of her mother. Publication from (@samoylovaoxana) 4 Apr 2018 at 11:18 PDT In less than a day, the video scored almost 2 million views, and the video itself caused a storm of delight among Oksana's subscribers. ! Let her run for the joy of mommy ", - commented fans of Samoilova. Some of the haters said that Maya went too late, because she is more than a year old. But other subscribers immediately reasoned with him, writing that the later the child gets to his feet, the better for his health.

