Features of nursing children with a minimum body weight
Being born prematurely, the child does notmanaged to get the necessary development in the womb of the mother. Therefore, he himself cannot cope with the necessary functions. Doctors come to the rescue, placing him in a special plastic box.Premature babies are nursed in a special box Photo: Getty There are a number of rules that must be followed while the baby is there:
- With a very low weight for the first time, the box is kept closed. It should maintain a constant temperature suitable for the child’s body and be supplied with oxygen.
- Every 2-3 hours it is necessary to turn the newborn in order to avoid deforming the head.
- All care activities are carried out directly in the box, you cannot take the child out.
- The child is always connected to the devices, fixing the general state.
- It is necessary to observe sterility, since the newborn at this time is very susceptible to infections.
In those maternity hospitals where there is no specialequipment, separate beds are allocated for such children and they try to maintain the temperature with the help of heating pads and warm wraps. If the baby is very weak and cannot take the breast, he is fed artificially. When he gets stronger, the mother can come and feed him, but at the same time maintain sterility as much as possible.
Stages of nursing
For a premature baby, the chances of growing up healthy depend on proper care in the first weeks of life. The activities carried out are divided into three stages:
- The first occurs in the maternity hospital. The baby is placed in a special box, where the conditions are close to those in the mother's womb. At this time, the main rule is to avoid hypothermia.
- On the second, the baby is transferred to the children's hospital. The transfer time depends on the child’s condition. Here he receives the necessary care and is supervised by doctors.
- In the third stage, the main responsibility lies with the mother. The baby is discharged home, and their parents do it. But the nurse and pediatrician should visit him regularly and follow the development.
You can bathe your baby no earlier than he gains weight.weight over two kilograms. In order not to damage the delicate skin, the vernix caseosa is not removed. As a result of correctly carried out measures, the child develops normally and eventually catches up with his peers.