Money does not grow on trees

Modern kids believe that banknotesparents just take it out of the ATM. In the same way, we once believed that rubles grow on trees. The sooner the child stops believing in such a myth, the better. Therefore, it is possible to spend money correctly from 4-5 years. It is at this age that children already begin to understand what money is and what it is needed for, but where it comes from is not important to them yet. If the child thinks that way, tell them that you go to work, and for a reason. You have to do your job. This is what the salary is paid for.How to teach a child how to plan expensesA photo: Getty Images To help the kid understand what you are talking about, try to draw a diagram on paper. For example, a child wants a bicycle, and monthly incomes of mom and dad are 70,000. In a month, parents work for about 336 hours (21 days for 8 hours). Accordingly, if you divide the salary by the number of working hours, it turns out that for an hour parents receive 208 rubles. With a bike cost of 10,000 rubles, mom and dad will have to work for him 48 hours. This is approximately 6 days. It would seem that not so much? But this is an erroneous opinion. After all, you need to buy not only a bicycle. In every family, apart from income, there are necessary expenses and desired expenses. This budget. For example, the cost of products, payment for utilities, travel in public transport - a must. Desired - a trip to the cinema, cafe, water park. Explain to the kid that out of the monthly income, for example, 70,000 rubles, you must deduct mandatory expenses. Is there anything else left? Hence, you can allow and desired. And what it will be depends on the free amount. But, most likely, something has to be sacrificed. Allow yourself all at once - and a bicycle, and water park, and a cafe, and a movie, most likely, will not work. Just do not have enough money. The child must choose what he wants most. And, by the way, we need to take into account the wishes of parents, they also have unnecessary expenses.

Your wallet

Older children are useful to give money for pocketcosts. This is an important point, thanks to which the child will be able to learn how to manage the means. The amount should not be big, the money should be enough for basic needs, as well as the opportunity to postpone. In advance, talk with your son or daughter about what you should not save on. Try not to tell the child what he needs to spend this money on, otherwise what's the point in them? Did the money run out prematurely? Do not rush to increase the amount of pocket money, otherwise it will not learn to save.

Young Winner

Some parents prefer to encourage the childfor doing things around the house. It is not right. The kid should understand that walking with a dog and washing dishes are common duties. And you can not do without them. In addition, my mother does not ask for money for cooking dinner. Another thing is work in progress. A teenager a few hours a day distributes newspapers at the subway and receives a salary? Excellent. Children more appreciate the money that they themselves earned, and not received from their parents.How to teach a child to save moneyPhoto: Getty Images

Small banker

You need to gradually accustom your son or daughter to money.according to age. A child 6-8 years old is given the opportunity to make simple purchases. In the same period, we can say that money can be saved, accumulated. Although children of this age cannot plan their expenses for a long period yet. A 9-11-year-old student is taught to compare prices for goods. What is cheaper and what is more expensive, how does it affect the quality. At the same time, it is worth explaining concepts such as "expiration date". It already makes sense to take a child of this age with you to the grocery store. Making purchases with you, he will quickly understand where the money is going. A 12-14 year old teenager can be taught to plan expenses for a short period, for example, a week. They also explain how savings can be made. For example, you can save for the same bike all winter, saving a small amount each week. Children 15-16 years old are taught to plan expenses for a long period, for example, for a month. For this, a teenager can be asked to fill out payment slips, draw up a family budget for a month. So the child will see how income and expenses are formed. What not to do It happens that children spend all their savings ahead of time. Scold a child-spender is not worth it. You just need to find out where the money went. Children cannot constantly say, "No money." From such a phrase, the child will develop the feeling that he is poor. Then it will pass into adulthood and become the cause of many unwanted habits. The money given or earned by the child should remain with him. But so that he does not lose and waste them, dad or mom can offer themselves as a responsible custodian. You can open a deposit in the bank in the name of the child. Moreover, you should definitely go to the bank, put and withdraw money with your son or daughter. If you cannot give your child pocket money, explain the reason (save for something, there were unplanned expenses). It will not be good if the kid considers you to be an ordinary greedy person. Also interesting:

