Deputy Lebedev called the life of a girl bornwithout hands, disgusting: "Why knowingly overtake a child for suffering? Why give birth to such children? "What is this? Such a strange form of compassion? Propaganda of artificial selection? I wonder what Nick Vuichich would say about this ... In St. Petersburg, a child with disabilities was kicked out of the amusement park. Allegedly at the request of parents of ordinary children ... In Sosnovoborsk, Krasnoyarsk region, the disabled child had to be arranged in a kindergarten through the prosecutor's office ... Again Petersburg. On classes in school they do not allow a first-year student in a wheelchair. A normal full-fledged child, a leg is broken ... A story two years ago, when a girl with a first-grade diabetes was forced to hide in the toilet to prick insulin ... To every such news about infringement of children's rights with diagnoses is a flurry of comments. Support words - no more than a third. Most often from parents of the same kids. Who also went through this line of resentment and humiliation. The other statements in the spirit of "do not spoil our mood, sit at home," and "if something happens, why the employees of the park / school / kindergarten must meet ...". And my most beloved "we had to drink less, then a normal child was born." With this pinnacle of light thought can compete only "themselves to blame if you give birth at 45, only a moron and get it."In St. Petersburg, a disabled boy was kicked out of the amusement parkPhoto: GettyImages I'm 33. I don't drink. I do not smoke.I do not inject. She gave birth to a son at 27. I never hit him with his head. Nevertheless, Timofey is a special child. At first glance, no one will ever say this - ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, does not affect a person's appearance. But it influences the behavior in society. - He that you have, does not hear, or what? - disgustingly bewildered question of the employee of the water park. - Well, it should have been so pampered! - That's exactly your opinion, grandmother from the minibus, and I missed it. Especially at the moment of a child's emotional spin. From which it is not so easy to get him out. “This is how autistic people usually behave. - Thank you, dear fellow traveler on the plane, I will never forget your kindness. Even though you said this not to my eyes, but to your neighbor in the seat, you could hear it well. I brought three (!) Conclusions from different neurologists and one from a psychiatrist to the kindergarten. In all three - assurances that my child is not dangerous to others and has the right (there is nowhere more humiliating, honestly) to be in ordinary society. Only after that they stopped hinting at me to transfer to a correctional kindergarten. So I have every right now to express my opinion. Yes, we, parents of children with special needs and disabilities, understand that we can interfere with your ordinary children, and we try to prevent this ... Yes, we take responsibility for the behavior and safety of our children. Yes, we are ready, if necessary, to always be with them (my friend, who has a son, an auton, sat for six hours in the locker room of the kindergarten for six hours). No, we do not think that everyone around us owes us everything. But, of course, I would still like to have elementary respect. Oh, you will probably tell me now a lot of examples when mothers of disabled children tried to behave like the center of the Universe. Sorry, but you met the classic #yamy. And her behavior does not depend on the state of # this foal. Whose company would you choose? An uncontrollably furious, brutally aggressive "normal" child, whose actions are favorably viewed by parents, or a non-aggressive "special" child, albeit with an unusual appearance? I am in favor of the second option. We are talking about the need to cultivate tolerance in children. What kind of tolerance or compassion can we talk about if adults themselves are not shy in expressions? “Get away from this freak! Suddenly it will pounce. ”“ They walk with the disabled, it’s not normal to play. ”Here it is - the true face of our current society. Ramps are cool. Government programs for integration, inclusion and other ways to create a "barrier-free environment" are great. Kryvenko, kossenko, but at least somehow moves from a dead center. But the main problem is not even in the lifts and curbs. And in our heads, if something is not done about it right now, then our progress will turn into regression. And modern Russia will become ancient Sparta. The weak and the infirm - immediately into the abyss. Indeed, why waste energy, nerves and money on them.In St. Petersburg, a disabled boy was kicked out of the amusement parkA photo: Getty Images But then we will never have a second Zinovy ​​Gerdt who, after 11 operations, the leg damaged in the war was shorter than the healthy one by eight centimeters. There will not be a second Stallone, who was injured at birth with facial nerves. And as a result - partial paralysis of the lower left side of the face and indistinct speech. There will be no Nika Vuychich - a sample of a thirst for life. And he, for a minute, has neither hands nor feet. But a beautiful wife, charming children, published books, the opportunity to travel around the world and help other people. There will not be a Nobel laureate Stephen Hawking, who has been almost completely paralyzed since the age of 20 due to the development of an incurable form of atrophy sclerosis. And of course no second Maresyeva! To fly on prostheses? You what! This is dangerous for everyone around. And the fact that he is a hero - yes, you can still argue with this. And he did not have to go to school to meet with children. You know, Aldous Huxley in the "Brave New World" was just the kind of world that parents dream about, hating children who are not like others. There the diseases were considered something disgusting and obscene. And the word "mother" was a curse. At the sight of a hand cut randomly, people frowned, as if they showed an abominable spider. Glass of water? Ha! Old people were taken to the hospices, where they quickly died out, poisoned with a drug. In the meantime ... At the popular St. Petersburg Internet forum, the mamochka section about uneasy kids is called "Special children - they can." And they really can live a full life. And a lot in this life to achieve. If you help them. And if you are not ready to help, then at least do not interfere.

