Orekhova Xenia, 30 years old, and Olga, 4 years old

1 / 5Photo: Lilya TikotskayaPhoto: Lilya TikotskayaPhoto: Lilya TikotskayaPhoto: Lilya TikotskayaPhoto: Lilya TikotskayaHow have you changed? With the birth of her daughter, unlike many young mothers she knew, she often began wearing dresses, more feminine clothes. Heels have always been with me. I think that you should always be well-groomed and well-dressed, especially if you are the daughter's mother - the first example for her. What should be in the wardrobe of my mother and her little fashionista. In the wardrobe girls must have dresses and skirts and all other attributes of female beauty. Femininity, style, good manners must be vaccinated from the very beginning! And in the wardrobe moms and daughters should always be TRUST and LOVE - the most valuable things at any time!

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