Today the youngest daughter of the Olympic championNadenka was three years old. Tatyana almost every day shares photos of her daughter, shows how she makes babies with her mother, learns to swim, dances. We are already accustomed to the fact that Nadenka is a mischievous little girl with pigtails, tails and bows. The baby is growing a copy of the famous mother. But what it was on its first day of birth - August 21, 2014, knew only close figure skaters. And the most intimate picture of the hospital was in the net. Tatyana first shared such a personal photo with the public.Photo: @tatiana_navka "The best day! 3 years ago. As one day, "- wrote Tatiana in Instagram and published a photo with her daughter on her hands. At first the fans of the sportswoman did not understand: how did Navka give birth again? And they began to congratulate the skater with the third motherhood, incidentally asking how she managed to hide the pregnancy so well. But then they read Tatiana's entry and came to their senses. Nadezhda Peskova devoted hundreds of congratulations. And what compliments her mother deserved! On the photo, Navka looks insanely beautiful and tender, despite the fact that the birth of a child is far from an easy task. It should be remembered that Tatyana married the father of her daughter's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, on August 1, 2015, in Sochi. The elegant ceremony was called the wedding of the year.

