"Our little Lion" - so lovingly calledkid Aryeh his parents. And this is not a nickname, but a name: Aryeh in Hebrew means the king of beasts. It's no wonder that he has a small lion cub costume in his wardrobe. And when the godmother Arie and her friend decided to take their crumbs to the Atlanta zoo, they took this suit with them. "The day was cool and the suit was warm," Cami Flumming said. "And his mother packed the suit to dress Arya in case he froze." According to Camie, when they arrived at the zoo, the lions had not yet left the enclosures. The family went around almost all the animals and finally returned to their cage: "I saw the lions come out and decided to dress Aryeh in a suit to photograph it against their background," Camie explained.Photo: facebook.com/cameran.fanning
Photo: facebook.com/cameran.fanningThe woman was counting on a good shot, but she didn’t expect what happened next. At first, the lions watched the baby from afar. Then they came closer. Arie calmly looked at the large animals through the thick glass and tried to touch the “kitty.” And they seemed to have taken him for one of their own! The lion even tried to pet him with its paw. At some point, Arie’s tiny palm and the lion’s giant paw simultaneously pressed against the glass from both sides. “Look, Arie, he’s just like you, only big,” Cami’s voice can be heard off-camera. The woman is sure that this will be the best memory of her first walk with her godson. “We took a few pictures and quickly left so the animals wouldn’t get overexcited,” the godmother explains. “But it was incredible.”