"Antenna" met with Porechenkov in St. Petersburg on the set of the project "Bridge" of the NTV channel.Photo: Sergey Ivanov / PhotoXpress.ru– Mikhail, your partner on the show - Ingeborg Dapkunayte. How did you work with her?
- She is a wonderful partner!Talk about some kind of slowness of people from the Baltics is greatly exaggerated, I have never seen such a reactive person as Ingeborga. Her temperament, passion and reaction to what is happening on the set are instantaneous. She notices some mistakes not only in herself, but also in others. This is a person who has a deep mastery of the profession. Alas, it rarely happens when you meet a partner on the set and his personal and professional qualities coincide with yours. At first, we laughed separately at the jokes, but at the end of the first season we began to laugh together. - And have you seen the original "The Bridge", a Swedish-Danish project?
- No, I don’t watch Western TV series.Why? I studied at the theater institute for five years under the great master Veniamin Mikhailovich Filshtinsky. How can Western projects surprise me? And life in Russia is very different from Sweden. In Western series, I miss Chekhov - the immersion of the characters in each other, reflection. There, the characters have a rather detached attitude towards family, children... We don't have that, so we brought my character closer to our mentality, to the circumstances in which he exists. So there is no need to compare it with the original project. My Maxim is a completely different person, he is Russian after all.
Photo: NTV channel - The shooting took place in St. Petersburg, where your parents live. Is it another reason to see them often?
- Seldom. He lived in a hotel so as not to disturb them. They were already asleep by the time I was released, and what - to come and wake up? Yes, of course, I wanted to sit and chat, but after the change, one desire was to fall and fall asleep so that in the morning at 9 o'clock I would return to the set. My life basically goes to work. And on the weekend you could sit and talk to your parents normally. - Do you have any premieres at the theater?
- So far, nothing, there are several proposals, and good ones, including those related to the enterprise. But I can’t do anything yet, because everything is scheduled until 2019.
Photo: Mikhail Porechenkov's personal archive. I agree only on those projects that I am really interested in. It is good that this is in demand. You are the breadwinner of a large family.
“This is how I calm myself.” Your heroes on the screen are courageous people, but you could, if not for a sign from above, connect fate not with the actor’s, but with the military profession ...
- Yes. Acting ... It probably always sat in me. After all, after the tenth grade, I wanted to enter the theater, although I had never done anything like that. He said this to his mother, and she: "What is it from?" We have no one in this world. ” But the ways of the Lord are inscrutable ... I remember I was in the fourth year of a military-polytechnic school, and my father and I went to a small wooden church in Petersburg near the cemetery. I set a candle, began to pray and asked the question: “Do I live correctly?” I was so heavily charged that the portal opened - I was all in prayer and I sent my whole being towards it. And suddenly I hear a female voice: “Man, man, you have a jacket on fire!” I turn around and see that my father had a big hole in the back of the jacket from the flame of a candle. I understood everything then: it was the answer to me. And when we left the church, he told the pope that I would not be a military man. He immediately understood everything. I think it was not an accident. So, after studying four years in a military school, I threw it. “You are shooting a lot, but you hardly agree on all projects in a row.
- Yes, I often refuse. I have to.There are uncreative, disastrous projects, and I understand this from the very beginning. Then, I will never play any vulgar things written in the script. I am sure that if you do something without pleasure, nothing good will come of it, it will look false on the screen. Therefore, I agree only to those projects that are truly interesting to me.