Mental development of preschoolers

At different ages, the mental sphere hasspecific development characteristics. Preschoolers are able to communicate with people, to speak, and to absorb new knowledge and skills. Their brains constantly demand the complication of the process of intellectual activity. Parents are no longer enough to supply the baby with new information. He wants to learn how to handle it. He analyzes, groups, compares and evaluates the data that he receives daily.mental development of preschoolersMental development of preschoolers begins withearly yearsPhoto: Getty Children are interested in gaining new knowledge. The upbringing of preschool children is to support and strengthen this interest. Parents should provide the child with impressions. He seeks new books, places and activities. In it creative abilities start to be shown. There is an active development:

  • Capabilities for cognition;
  • Speech apparatus;
  • Emotional intelligence;
  • Ability to build relationships.

It is not enough for a kid to read. He needs a discussion of the material he has learned. This will help to develop competent speech. He only learns the means of building relationships. It is difficult for him to show feelings and emotions. Delight can be replaced by disappointment, a sense of pride - shame. Close ones should react sensitively to the child's emotions, so that he does not become addicted to seclusion.

Features of the methodology for improving thinking

The thought process is closely connected with the imagination. The child in the form of a game replaces the fragments of the situation mentally. It uses images and events that pop up from memory. Over time, he increasingly uses logic. He is no longer required to test an object in the matter in order to learn its properties. The ability to learn depends on 3 factors:

  • In memory;
  • Imagination;
  • Mindfulness.

Remembering is arbitrary. To train the memory, you can use the game techniques. This will increase the interest of the baby. He has a role to play, which requires the memorization of new information. Games develop a child's imagination. Children exaggerate or belittle reality. Fantasies are based on life experience. Mental process consists of a number of elements. It is necessary to pay attention to the improvement of each of them.

