Cinema, theater, television ... Maxim Averin managesto realize themselves in different roles. Few people know that, among other things, Maxim actively supports children's book publishing. The actor has repeatedly performed with free concerts for children in the RGDB, the book festival "Red Square", presented a book of children's poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky in the bookstore "Moscow". Do you want to relive the best childhood sensations? There is a proven recipe - listen to how he reads poetry for children! - Maxim, do you remember how you learned to read? How old were you?Maxim Averin - I started to read very early. Faster even than he learned to speak. In three years. First I read signboards at shops. I was very amused. "Milk". Then there were no such names as "supermarket". I liked to say "bakery". There was something delicious and fragrant in the word itself. Now for reading the show-windows more classes. There were so many words! That's where the practice is. And the "leasing company", and "construction market", and there are also foreign words. And then more and more: "furniture", "sport goods", "home of life", "everything for the house", "cooking" ... And suddenly ... What's this? "Mom, but what is written on the signboard:" rrrlum mmmchnaya "?!" What a word! Then I just learned to pronounce the letter "R". And she liked me terribly. The victory over this letter was the most difficult and thus it was especially dear to me. Mom reluctantly replied that the glassware is a cafe for adult uncles who are not in a hurry to go home and discuss important, adult issues there. That would be to go to the "Wine"! I began to study books. But I first fell in love with them as an object. You can build houses from books, towers, bridges, pyramids. Then I became interested in illustrations. A completely different world was already opening here. I loved to see them. Inspired by the pictures, I began to draw on the next page of the book. Having received a reprimand from my father that it is not right to draw in the book, I decided to immerse myself in the book and get into its content. So I fell in love with reading, imagining these or those heroes, adventures, events, times.Photo: Sergey Dzhevahashvili- What books were these? Maxim Averin - I liked very much to read Chukovsky, Marshak. There was a lot of rhythm in the melody of their poems. I liked the combination of letters and their pronunciation. There was a game: "And then the phone rang. Who is talking?" And I joyfully for the hundredth time continued this verified telephone conversation: "Elephant!" Somehow this mess seemed to be. "And behind her are crayfish on a lame dog". I remember that I was very sorry for the man scattered from the street Basin in the work of Marshak. How could he ever get to his station! After all, they are probably waiting for him there, and he, poor fellow, is passing by. Before the school, before entering the first class, I read three works that turned my entire subsequent life. Dad decided that I was already an adult and could read serious works. These three books have changed me, having taught mercy, empathy, kindness. These were the works of Vanka and Kashtanka by Chekhov and Mumu by Turgenev. I do not know what my life would be like if I had not read these books, but for me they were the first to teach, to feel the world, to appreciate life and to love it. And I was then five years old. - This year marks the 60th anniversary of the publishing house Malysh. Do you remember the book "Baby" from childhood?Maxim Averin "There are many things that bind me with the publishing house" Kid ". It's like a relative who has been with you all his life. You know him, your children, grandchildren. There were a lot of books in the house, and since I have an older brother, my books were also added to his books. One book I particularly remember. By the way, the logo of the publishing house was clearly engraved in my memory. The book was with drawings from my favorite cartoon "Kid and Carlson." I loved her so much. Since the cartoons are not often shown on TV, and the era of video, and even more so DVDs and computers have not yet begun, there was no Internet, it was necessary to flip through the book and play the scenes yourself. It was possible to play and Carlson, and Toddler, and Frocken Bock. This developed my fantasy and ability to reincarnate into one hero, then another. Perhaps this is the beginning of a profession in me when I decided to become an artist. So thank you "Baby" for the inspiration!Photo: @ maximaverin- And this year we celebrate the 130th anniversary of the birth of Samuel Marshak. The first monument to the poet will appear in Moscow. And what for you Marshak? Maxim Averin - Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak - it's amazing, up tothe end has not been studied personality. A poet, playwright, translator, who gave us Shakespeare and other great poets. His children's works - this is a masterpiece! I am very glad that in the year of the 130th anniversary of Marshak, all of us, yesterday's boys and girls, future kids, will receive a monument to our main children's poet. "You are brilliantly reading the poems of children's poets. How do you think, what is the fundamental difference between children's poetry and the adult?Maxim Averin - Children's poetry is the most difficult. Because with children it is necessary to speak in an adult way. They need everything specifically. This is already in adults there is a descriptive series, they say, "the reeds rustled, the trees bent, and the moon was at night". It's all lyrics. Children give concrete actions. Take, for example, the poem "First Love" by Agnia Barto. Here's how it was: the girl Natasha woke up in the morning and decided that it was time she already loved someone. It's not like waiting for a prince on a white horse, specifically. Also began to choose to itself the boy from a class. This does not suit her, the other one does not like it, but that one is just right for her. And he began serious offensive actions against his victim. But the counter-resistance received in response, only firmly confirmed in Natasha her feelings. That's so concrete, simple, business-like. And all the lyrics, "I loved you, love still, maybe ...", it's only later, after growing up ...Photo: the press service of the ACT

