There's a real baby boom in Hollywood.One after another, there is news about pregnant stars: the wife of George Clooney - and, as foreign media assure, including Jennifer Garner. At the weekend, the paparazzi filmed the actress leaving the church. A rounded tummy was visible under the loose dress, which allowed journalists to assume that Garner would soon become a mother for the fourth time. Photo: Getty Images Photo:Getty Images But chances are it's just overweight. Moreover, the actress has recently completely neglected herself. In fresh shots, Jennifer looks like a provincial mother: a shapeless flowery dress, a string bag in her hands, no makeup ... Having met such a woman on the street, you would never have recognized her as a Hollywood star. Well, they immediately thought: here you are marrying a beauty, and then “this” goes around the house ... Perhaps the actress with many children simply does not have time for herself: after all, there are three children, and even with her husband Ben Affleck, an incomprehensible relationship, then they converge, then they diverge ... So far, the spouses have postponed the divorce proceedings to sort out the relationship. Maybe Jen and Ben have long been reconciled? And the pregnancy of the actress is evidence of this, they say, everything is fine with us, we continue to live on. If the rumors are true, then Garner can only applaud. At 44, become a mother for the fourth time! To hell with him, being overweight. Recall that Jennifer and Ben Affleck have three children: 11-year-old Violet, 7-year-old Seraphina and 4-year-old Samuel.

