Sincere experiences of the eight-year-old girl,which the judges - Vladimir Pozner and Renata Litvinova - literally smeared before the millionth audience of Channel One, the ones closest to the heart were those who have their children and who have a lot of experience working with kids. Producer Maxim Fadeev could not restrain himself. Two seasons he was a mentor in the project "Voice. Children". He had to make a choice. Explain to the children why he gave preference to one or another performer. And he, like no other, has the right to his own vision of the situation.Photo:@fadeevmaxim “I have always deeply respected Mr. Posner and considered him the smartest, delicate person, the highest-class journalist,” Fadeev wrote on his Instagram. - But, in my opinion, his attitude towards this little child was very cruel and absolutely insensitive. After all, he is also a father and knows perfectly well that with a child you need to be extremely careful and attentive in assessing and criticizing him. Of course, there should be criticism, but it should be accurate and not angry. ”Fadeev admits that he cried with Vika when he listened to the jury members criticizing her. And he was offended that she had to make excuses for choosing a song and for what she puts into it. “She puts in exactly what she feels, that's enough! She does not have to throw all kinds of intellectual sayings in order to pamper the ears of such spoiled husbands. She just sang, that's all. This is neither good nor bad. She just sang, trying to convey her feelings as much as possible. Fadeev recalled how, being on the "Voice", he tried to be as careful as possible in all the texts addressed to children. And he admitted: as a child, he himself seemed to be in Vika's place - all the people who were related to his professional upbringing said that he was no good for anything. “I know how Vika feels,” said the musician. - I had a real fleur-back from my childhood. And then ... then Maxim moves from the private to the general - he says such wise, such correct things that you just want to quote them. Without any ratings. And just follow these tips. Or at least try. “Believe in your children, help them, until your very last breath. Listen only to your heart, do not listen to these "specialists". If your child wants to sing, give him this opportunity. If he wants to draw, don't force him to learn math. If he wants to read poetry, buy him books. If he likes to collect constructors - help him in the future to go exactly in this path. But don't break his sensation, cravings. Because only in this way a talented person will grow up, who will subsequently do what he loves and will be happy! Right now, more than ever, our children are vulnerable to get into unpleasant situations or companies on the Internet. Modern children have a clip consciousness, they are completely different. In Soviet times, we only had a TV, street and books. It’s not like that today. Therefore, be extremely attentive to your children - what they are passionate about, and give them the opportunity to do what they really like. "

