“For some reason, it is not customary for us to address children'spsychologists ... Is that when a serious problem has already ripened ... But in vain. Children go through different stages of growing up, and it is sometimes difficult for us, parents, to understand them, "called Maria Kozhevnikova, who in July of this year, her Instagram subscribers takes care of the most precious thing in this life - about children - is comprehensive, then there is to pay attention not only to their physical health, but also to their mental balance. In this, by the way, she takes an example from the Duchess of Cambridge, who is now. Kate Middleton does not take care of so many organizations, and one of the main institutions for which she regularly does something (even records special interviews, which she gives on rare occasions) is the National Children's Psychoanalytic Center. In her speeches and addresses, the wife of Prince William constantly emphasizes how important it is to pay attention to the mental well-being of the smallest as well. Here is our Masha about the same!A caring and beautiful mother - and the kids are fine!Photo: @mkozhevnikova “Of course, finding a competent specialist is not so easy, and in any field. I decided to take this step for a long time and I confess I was worried about how everything would go, especially for the reaction of Maxim (the middle son of Maria Kozhevnikova, who is now 2 years 8 months old. - Approx. Woman’s Day), - the actress shares her personal experience. “But in the end, the children got so carried away that instead of the 30 minutes allotted for the consultation, everyone sat for 1.5 hours, since the tests were in a playful way. This knowledge is simple steps that will help you cope with childish hysteria, child aggression, and go through all age crises. ”In general, our Masha, like Kate, is great, and while being busy, they manage to pay attention to the most important things. And the readers of our site do not need to go far for the advice of a competent specialist: in their publications especially for Woman’s Day, one of the best and most expensive psychologists in the country, Mikhail Labkovsky, will advise you, at the same time completely free of charge! For example, read about why you need to give more freedom to your child.

