The causes of the marble skin in a child

The skin of the baby acquires the characteristic "marble"shade due to insufficiently formed vegetative-vascular system. Some of the small vessels located in the upper layers of the epidermis, with temperature changes sharply narrowed, because of which small bluish spots appear on the skin. The second half of the blood vessels continues to transport blood intensively, which means it adds a reddish tinge to the skin.Marble skin can be a symptom of cardiovascular disease.Marble skin may be a symptom of pathology.cardiovascular systemPhoto: Getty Parents should not panic because of such a change in the color of the epidermis of the infant. If the skin often changes color, but this phenomenon occurs periodically and quickly disappears, which means that the health of the child is all right. By 6-7 months, this unpleasant symptom will disappear without any additional treatment. If the child is completely covered with pronounced marble patterns, sweats heavily, becomes sluggish and pale, you should immediately consult a doctor. A complex form of pathology must be treated. Marble skin according to Dr. Komarovsky most often appears in premature babies, as well as in infants with congenital anemia, heart defects, and rickets. If mother as a child suffered from this pathology, most likely she will be inherited by the child.

How to eliminate marble drawing

If you are not ready to risk the baby’s health, do notself-medicate. Be sure to first visit the doctor. He will inspect the little patient and determine why the child’s marble skin has appeared. gymnastics, harden the body of the child with the help of rubdowns, douches and air baths. A special massage will quickly fix the problem and normalize blood circulation. Ask your pediatrician to show you some effective techniques and repeat them at home daily. Get rid of the marbling of the skin will help regular swimming in the pool. Such a pleasant activity will be surely enjoyed by the baby, and the mother will quickly restore the slim figure. Dye on the skin of a child under 6 months is quite normal. If the spots occur in a child aged 1 year, it is necessary to consult with a doctor. Such an unpleasant symptom can signal serious problems with the cardiovascular system. Read further:

