At the end of July, the actor was presented with his son by his civilwife Elizaveta Shevyrkova, and today it became known what name Basharov gave to the heir. Marat chose an unusual French-Tatar name for the baby Marseille, the website reports. Fans were surprised by this choice, but this is quite obvious, given that Marat Alimzhanovich Bvsharov himself has Tatar roots. Photo: PhotoXPress.ruThe happy event in the family of the actor was waiting for everyone from the Moscow Film Festival. In late June, the host of the "Battle of Psychics" brought a pregnant girlfriend to the red carpet. And, judging by the impressive size of the tummy, Marat was about to become a father! And this happened! A boy weighing 3,410 kg and a height of 53 centimeters was born in one of the Moscow clinics. The other day the actor took the lover with his son from the hospital. Marat Basharov met the bride with a child with a bouquet of flowers and in the company of close friends and relatives. In his country house, the actor decided to arrange a surprise for his beloved and his son, decorating the family nest with dozens of balloons and baskets of flowers. We recall that the actor met Elizaveta Shevyrkova in social networks. The fan wrote to Marat on Facebook, and after a while he received an offer to meet. And not somewhere, but in one of the most romantic cities in the world - Praha. Feelings flashed with lightning speed, so very soon the lovers decided to come together. And after a while Elizabeth learned that she was pregnant. She shared good news with Marat during the holiday in the Swiss Alps. It should be noted that Basharov has already had two marriages behind him. From the first marriage with Elizaveta Krutsko, the actor brings up 11-year-old daughter Amelie. With his second wife, actress Catherine Arkharova, Basharov divorced in March 2015 after she announced numerous beatings by her husband and his addiction to alcohol. Let's hope that this time Marat found true happiness.

