Order a taxi. Family situation. Married, married for 13 years, children: Nicole (12 years old), Eva and Aurora (6.5 years). Favorite food in the family. Spaghetti with tomato sauce, tomatoes or salad. How did they imagine a large family in their youth? I did not imagine myself having a large mother. But there were examples. My mother has three daughters. I and my younger twin sisters.
Photo: Daniela Zhukova
Natalia Sichkareva, 40 years old
A photo: personal archive of Natalia Sichkareva How to raise happy children? How to instill in them the right values of life? The main principle is not to get in the way! My husband and I try to control girls less, trust more, solve more. If they go to some experiments, we forbid something only in cases dangerous to life. The forbidden fruit is always sweet, so the less you forbid, the fewer moods. We try to keep an eye on what they like, and create for this, if possible, a favorable space. Listen to them. Children are happy when they see a happy mother, a happy dad and a happy couple. Therefore, we try to develop ourselves and be happy. And even in difficult periods, we try to work on relationships so that children see an example of happy parents. It is not easy to instill values in children. We act with the spouse only through a personal example and explanations. If we believe that we need to eat right, then we try to do it ourselves and thus we show it to our daughters. If we consider that it is cool to read books and not watch TV, then our whole house is full of books and there is no TV, our children always see us reading. Unfortunately, despite this, they, of course, want to try something not very useful. Periodically, we go to meet them, so that there is no forbidden fruit. At the same time, the parent phrase sounds: "I'm against it, but if you make such a choice, please." And explain the consequences. So far for ourselves and our husband more questions than answers, which is better, give them independence now or send them. We are working on this, we are studying literature.
A photo: Natalia Sichkareva's personal archiveHow is work organized around the house? Are there any assistants in the family? We have a private house. His assistant is cleaning and ironing. And in the rest I myself, little girls are attracted to homework, but infrequently. Probably, this is our omission, because we see that the daughters do not have some necessary habits. But they are trying! Secrets of self-care. My most important secret is an inner spirit: you need to imagine yourself young, beautiful, strong and consider yourself as such. Inside, I feel for 25 years, and it's bearing fruit. To make this habit, at first you can use affirmations: write your settings on paper, and let them always be in front of you. It is useful to observe your thoughts. If they are positive: I'm young, beautiful and happy - fine. And if the thoughts are negative: I'm tired, getting old, sick, no strength, - I need to "catch" them and reformulate them into positive ones, reprogram myself. You can just wish everyone happiness, starting with yourself - after all, beauty comes from within! If it does not exist, no cosmetologist will help. And if you are happy, then despite the wrinkles, you will glow. I always ask myself what will bring me pleasure, that will add to my health, how best could I spend the morning that will cheer me up? Answers come themselves. For example, a dream. For several years I slept for 4-6 hours. I felt great, I made a breakthrough in my career. But then, having consulted with a nutritionist, having studied the literature, I realized that you need to sleep at least 8 hours. Sleep is the best cosmetologist. I also try to make the food as healthy as possible. I study different systems of purification. I drink a lot of water. I really like the bath. It helps me to relieve stress and fills my health. Visits to the cosmetologist are infrequent, because I think that sleep will bring more benefits. From time to time I do massages. Another secret is natural cosmetics: I use burdock oil for my hair, wheat germ oil for the eyelashes, I add mint oil for legs in a regular cream.
Photo:Personal archive of Natalia SichkarevaWhat style of clothing do you prefer? Previously, I loved only classics: dresses, suits, high-heeled shoes. Now I have abandoned the formal style, leaving it for trainings, and in everyday life I prefer lightness and democracy in clothing. For example, I can wear a skirt with a T-shirt and sneakers. The main principle in clothing for me is maximum freedom and lightness. Follow fashion less, follow your inner instinct more. Do you play sports? Physical activity is a must for me. Morning walk, jogging, cycling, practice, gymnastics... I rarely go to the gym now, I can't stand closed spaces, I prefer fresh air. What is your main family tradition that you never break? In 90% of cases, we travel together, even if it is difficult to organize. Your profession. How do you manage to combine work and motherhood? I am a coach. To combine my favorite profession and family, I imagine myself as a tightrope walker and control the balance between home and work. If something outweighs, I immediately try to restore the balance.
A photo: Natalia Sichkareva's personal archive. Advice to mothers how to become successful in work. First of all, work should be a favorite thing. A man must earn money, and a woman should do what she likes. Then you will be beautiful both at home and in art, you will fill your family with happiness and will be happy yourself. Those mothers who have small children who are not easy, avoid the position of the victim. If a woman wants to manage everything and be happy, she will manage everything and be happy. If she wants to complain about life, she will make such a choice. For example, to keep fit, you can train muscles while walking a child with a stroller, rollerblading is an excellent energy boost. And between the feeds, take a 15-minute gymnastics bodyflex. Avoid negative thoughts, focus not on the problem, but on its solution. Frequently ask yourself questions: what do I want to be in 5 years, and in 80 years? And do now everything you need for a positive future.
Photo: personal archive of Natalia Sichkareva