What do we know about children? They are born helpless, do not speak, almost nothing can and grow very fast. Oh, yes, they have them, just scream. But this is not all. We found another 26 facts that prove that children are just aliens some. From the moment of birth until the moment of complete accustoming to the pot, the child spends about 8 thousand diapers. In the body of a newborn child, there is not a single bacterium. And in his blood vessels circulates only 235 milliliters of blood. In the arteries and veins of an adult, we recall, 5 liters of blood. In the first two years of a child's life, the total lack of parental leave is approximately six months. In the literal sense - if you add all the hours that they had to sleep, but did not sleep, it would be about a thousand and a half hours. Half a year, Carl!Photo: GettyImages4. Newborn children the first few months distinguish only black and white. All other colors they begin to see later. Children's foreskin, which remains after circumcision, is used to make cosmetic products. Forgive us for this fact. Studies have shown that children calm down twice as fast if they hear singing, and not just spoken language. Neurologists say that in the first years of life children do not dream. Statistics state that children born prematurely are more likely to become left-handed. Did you know that ... The youngest professional football player was a 20-month-old child. He was accepted into the Belgian club. If during an intrauterine development any organ of the fetus gets injured, the fetus directs the stem cells to restore the organ. When the child turns a year, the size of his foot is equal to half his "adult" size. Multiply by two - and get the size of the shoes that your child will put on the graduation. Babies who were born two weeks ahead of time, do not know how to sweat. Even if they are hot, there will not be sweats. Gradually the sweat glands "ripen". First, the forehead begins to sweat, then the chest, then the hands and, lastly, the legs. 13. The sex of the baby depends only on the father. Y-chromosome, "thanks to" which the boys are born, is contained in the male DNA. In a woman's body, there is no such chromosome. Diet, time of the day, posture in sex - all these values have absolutely no value. In the Middle Ages, childhood illnesses were treated exclusively by leeches. For example, if the baby had a cereal, the leech was thrust into the child's respiratory tract. Every minute about 255 babies are born in the world. This is 4.3 births per second. The length of the intestine of a newborn baby is 3.35 meters. As you get older, this number doubles. Scientists believe that children who are breastfed for the first three months develop 30 percent more efficiently than babies who are fed with the mixture. At the time of birth, there are more than 10 million nerve cells in the child's brain. As they grow older, their number decreases. Children do not remember anything that happened to them in the first three years of their lives. Neuroscientists call this phenomenon infantile amnesia. There are several theories about why this happens, but none of them is 100 percent proven.
Photo: GettyImages20.Scientists at the University of Texas have discovered that babies like beautiful faces more than mediocre ones. 21. At least 9 million people worldwide celebrate their birthday every day. 22. Starting from birth and throughout the first two years of life, 73,000 different changes occur in a child. The average time for each change is two minutes. It’s mind-boggling that a baby changes every two minutes! 23. In the first few days after birth, a baby’s skin is so sensitive that he can distinguish between the touch of bristles of different sizes. 24. If a baby turns away from a spoon, it means he’s full. No, he’s not being capricious, he’s just full. 25. The greatest number of children born to one woman is 69. The record was set by – ta-da! – a Russian peasant woman. Her first name is unknown, only her last name – Vasilyeva. From 1725 to 1765, she gave birth to triplets seven times, twins 16 times, and quadruplets four times. 26. Does your child like to play peek-a-boo with you? Well, when you cover your face with your hands and pretend you don’t exist. And then – oops, and you’re there again. This is all because a child’s “working memory” is very short. When you cover your face, you don’t exist for the baby. He simply forgets that you exist when he can’t see you. Out of sight – out of reality.