Macrogatus content and care
When choosing a home for this type of fish, you shouldtake into account the size of the macrognathus. Its body length can reach 20-25 cm. An adult fish needs an aquarium of 80-150 liters. A pair of macrognathus will require a volume of 200 liters, while the bottom area should be large. The aquarium should be equipped with a powerful filter, compressor and lid. It is not recommended to keep these fish in an open aquarium - they can slip out of the water beyond the vessel.Macrognathus is a rather rare inhabitant.aquariumsPhoto: Getty The water temperature in the aquarium should be maintained within 23–28°C, the acidity should be 6.5–7.5 pH, and the hardness should not exceed 15°dH. The main condition is the purity of the water, for this purpose 1/3 of its volume should be changed weekly. It is recommended to add a little salt to the water periodically. To make the fish feel comfortable, you need to:
- use small pebbles or gravel as a ground;
- equip the aquarium with various shelters and decorations, while they should be well secured;
- plant aquarium plants;
- provide subdued lighting.
The lack of soil and rocks can lead tothe appearance of skin irritations in aquarium eels, which worsen their well-being. Since the aquarium eel is a predator, the food should be live or frozen. In this capacity, it is recommended to use bloodworms, tubifex, mosquito larvae, earthworms, small fish, cod and squid meat. Dry food can only be given as a supplement.
Macrogatus breeding and its compatibility with other species
Breeding this type of fish will requiresome effort. It may even require an injection of hormonal drugs. The water temperature in the spawning ground should be 1-2° higher than usual. After spawning has occurred, the adults should be placed back in the aquarium. The young are intensively fed with brine shrimp, microworms, plankton or cyclome nauplii. The fry are characterized by accelerated growth. Only sexually mature individuals that are 2 years old should be used for breeding. Although the aquarium eel is a predator, it can coexist peacefully with other large species. Good neighbors for it will be mystus, synodontis, mastocembela. If you create suitable conditions, you will be able to enjoy the view of these spectacular and nimble fish for many years. After all, the macroganthus can live in an aquarium for up to 10-15 years. Read more: