Last week that Madonna filed an applicationfor the adoption of two children in Malawi. The singer at first tried to keep her visit to Africa a secret. But to do this, moving along with the retinue on your own plane. Realizing that sewing in a sack is not concealed, Madonna said that she went to Malawi for charity. However, even here the cunning paparazzi caught it: they filmed it at the entrance to the country's supreme court. In general, the secret was not a secret for long. It is already known for certain: Madonna was allowed to adopt two children. Back home, she will fly with two new family members - twin girls.1/2Photo: GettyImagesPhoto:GettyImagesAs the Daily Mail has learned, Madonna was treated like a mere mortal in Malawi, despite her status as a world celebrity, generous philanthropist and simply a rich woman. She filled out a 12-page adoption application. After that, social workers went to her home to make sure that Madonna was really able to provide the children with a decent life and comfortable conditions, as well as give them a decent education. Moreover, the singer will be checked for another year to see how the children are doing. It is already known that Madonna took the girls - four-year-old Stella and Esther - from the orphanage where they had lived for the past two years. Their father is still alive, but their mother died of complications after a cesarean section. One can assume that the 58-year-old mother will be able to offer them better conditions than in any orphanage on the planet, but the law is the law - no one's word is allowed to be trusted.
1/2Photo: GettyImagesPhoto:GettyImagesAs insiders report, the girls will arrive in their new home today. Let us remind you that the star already has experience of adoption - she took her daughter Mercy and son David from the same country. Moreover, she took them from the same orphanage, from where she is now taking two more daughters. Despite the fact that Madonna is clearly taking the children to a better life, their relatives are unhappy. They even warned the twins' father not to allow the adoption. "You will never see your children again. You will have no contact at all. It will be as if your children died. This is the pain we live with every day," Mercy James' uncle, Peter Banet, wrote to Stella and Esther's father. Who, by the way, personally signed the consent for adoption eight years ago.