how to tell parents about pregnancyHow to tell parents about pregnancy? Photo: Getty

How to tell parents about pregnancy?

You can announce the good news at the familydinner, by phone or Skype. But every expectant mother wants this event to be special and symbolize the beginning of a new stage in her life. In order for the message to make an impression, which can then be told on the birthdays of a son or daughter, you need to think in advance about how to tell your parents about the pregnancy.

  • Send them a Favorite Grandmother and Grandfather Postcard.
  • Order the name cups "Grandma (Name)" and "Grandfather (Name)".
  • Come to visit your parents in a T-shirt, on which will be the inscription "In my stomach - happiness!".
  • Send the parents a telegram on behalf of the future grandson or granddaughter with a story about how he can not wait to get acquainted with his grandmother and grandfather.
  • For dinner, bring a bottle of wine to your parents with a pre-printed label that says: “Enjoy, and I will join in 9 months.”
  • Original ways how to tell parents about pregnancy

    • If you often see your parents, go to themto visit or chat on weekends, inviting them to your place, then you can think of many ways how to tell the parents about the original way about. For example, you can bring them as a gift a head of cabbage in the sliders. It will be unexpected and joyful for future grandparents.
    • If there is a party in the family, and you alreadyyou know about your “interesting” position and are ready to announce this to all family members, order in advance T-shirts with the inscriptions: “I am a grandmother”, “I am a grandfather”, “I am an uncle”, “I am a brother”. When all the guests are ready, invite them to try on the clothes, announcing the most important news for you.
    • At a family dinner, you suddenly want to dogroup photo. Take the lead to talk, before you click the camera: “Say chiiiiiiz.” The guests will repeat. Take a new picture, dictating "Say" Kiiiiis "," Say Masha is pregnant. " It is possible that someone will repeat, as they say, “on the machine”, and someone will die at a loss. But after a second, everything will hug you happily.

    Using your imagination, you can come up with many ways to tell your parents about your pregnancy. Make this day unforgettable for you and your loved ones. Read also:

