Their children are winners, participants of the People's Prize, they have bright and unique achievements that we all are proud of. Do your child have a victory, a landmark achievement or an act you are proud of? Register a child for the children's contest winners "People's Award" DiviMir "until November 12! All the details on personal archive
Photo:Personal archive Larisa Annenko, son Maxim Annenko, 9 years old The child's main hobby and his achievements: we have been doing mental arithmetic at the Pythagorean Center for the Development of Children in Volzhsky for two years. In 2016, he participated in the city tournament "Vesely Soroban", where he won first place and received a prize - a tablet. He participated in the second international tournament in mental arithmetic - absolute champion in the nomination "Mental arithmetic among schoolchildren". Absolute winner's cup. And also first place in the nomination "flash counting". From early childhood, Maxim began to show interest in numbers and counting, in solving complex logical problems. Moreover, Maxim came up with these problems himself. Several times they tried to send the child to sports or dancing. But it all ended with one lesson. One day, Maxim asked to enroll him in a math club. The child was seven years old. When I came to work, I started browsing the Internet. And then, completely by chance, I saw an ad about recruiting children to the Pythagorean Center for Religious Development. Having signed up and passed the test, we started studying. How to raise a winner? You have to believe in your child, in his abilities. Of course, study a lot. But the most important thing is that every child is talented, the main thing is to see and recognize in what direction. Take into account his interests and abilities. Help develop these abilities. Find good teachers. And work in a group: child - teacher - mother. When your child did not want to go to class, how did you motivate him? Children after school, like adults after work, get tired and can be in a bad mood. The main thing is to find the key to this situation. On the way from home to Pythagorean, I distract my son with questions about what is happening around him (what is the weather, nature, passers-by, their mood and appearance). Usually everything ends with jokes and laughter. Entering the classroom, the child forgets about the bad mood and switches to classes. Well, and then the work of the center's teachers. And we, parents, trust them because we see how bright and inspired our children are after classes. To achieve success, you need to work hard and study. And here everything depends on the child's diligence and zeal. And what to do if there is no experienced teacher nearby? This is where motivation for a sense of duty and responsibility is needed. The main thing is not to instill, but to correctly explain and interest the child. Find the positives in each lesson. Explain that the result is visible, that only by putting in all your strength and effort can you achieve this result and that you can come to this result yourself. Do not forget to praise your children and tell them as often as possible that you love them. Did you like the advice? Vote on the last page!
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Photo:Personal archiveVera Bezrukova, son Danil Bezrukov, 10 years old The child's main hobby and his achievements: Danil lives for sports, his main hobby is hand-to-hand combat. He has been involved in sports since he was 6 years old. Danil is a multiple winner of city and regional competitions in hand-to-hand combat, and in February 2017 he won 1st place in the Southern Federal District Championship for the first time. In addition to hand-to-hand combat, Danil goes swimming, because swimming is necessary for hand-to-hand combat, loves boxing, because this sport is interconnected with hand-to-hand combat, attends orienteering lessons, because a real hand-to-hand fighter must navigate in any terrain and situation. Danil himself wanted to go to a cadet school (although it is located far from our house), because a cadet school is a school for real men, and, therefore, it is also connected with hand-to-hand combat. Thus, the son loves this sport very much, his interests are focused on it, and he is proud of his achievements. Thanks to sport, Danil has a very strong sense of responsibility, I think this is important and, of course, has a positive effect on the results of his studies, which is repeatedly emphasized by teachers at school and the coach. How to raise a winner? Danil was born to us very weak, and the doctors' prognosis was very disappointing. But I want to advise mothers to follow all the doctors' recommendations, and most importantly - to believe in their child. Always, no matter what happens. Believe until the last second, support him in everything. And the child will feel the support of the main person in his life and go with it to victory. After all, a winner is not always a winner in some competitions. To conquer your fear is a victory. To overcome your complexes is a victory. To believe in yourself is an unconditional victory. And even if there is no prize place, taking part in competitions, entering the ring is still a victory, a victory over yourself. And I would also like to add that you should never compare a child with other children, even if this comparison is in your child’s favor. And, of course, be an example: in our family, we often organize joint sports activities, and looking at us, our little daughter does sports. When your child did not want to go to classes, how did you motivate him? To be honest, Danil always wanted to go to training. Sometimes he did not want to go to school classes, because training was more interesting. So we had to motivate him to go to school. Well, if the child categorically does not want to go to training, I think there is no need to pressure him. Perhaps this sport is not suitable for him, so you need to have a heart-to-heart talk with him, perhaps he prefers team or game sports to martial arts, or he is closer to chess and swimming. The main thing is to help your child find himself. Did you like the advice? Vote on the last page!
Photo: personal archive
Photo: личный архивСветлана Вавилова, сын Александр Галушкин, 10 летГлавное увлечение ребенка и его достижения: главное увлечение – это футбол. Начал сын заниматься еще дошкольником в футбольной секции при школе олимпийского резерва в Волжском. Смог показать себя и был зачислен в спецкласс Центра подготовки спортивного резерва. За пять лет в копилке достижений 4 медали за I место, 4 медали за II место и 3 медали за III место; 19 грамот, в том числе одна в 2017 году «Лучшему игроку команды»; две именные статуэтки – «Лучший игрок» и «Золотой футболист». Кроме городских и областных соревнований и турниров принимал участие и имеет награды междугородних и международных спортивных мероприятий. Футбол у сына всегда с большой буквы, он им живет!На втором месте по значимости у сына учеба в школе. Грамоты «хорошист» и «отличник» у него чередуются. В школьных, городских и онлайн-олимпиадах он, как правило, принимает участие регулярно. За 2016 год из наград: 4 предметных диплома, 2 похвальные грамоты и 2 сертификата участника. За 2017 год из наград: 6 предметных дипломов, 1 похвальная грамота и 1 сертификат участника.А еще занимается в детской музыкальной школе по классу гитары и имеет международный диплом лауреата III степени. Кроме перечисленного, он изучает углубленно английский язык в языковом центре «Английский клуб» и, для того чтобы быть настоящим мужчиной, занимается тхэквондо ВТФ.Советы мамам, как вырастить победителя. Очень сложно растить победителя. Абсолютно все свое время проводишь с ребенком и для ребенка. В обязательном порядке строго придерживаешься режима дня и правильного сбалансированного питания. У нас в семье выходной день только в воскресенье, и то если на него не назначена игра или выступление. Праздничные дни равнозначны будням. Подъем всегда в 07:00, отбой не позднее 22:00. Тренировки шесть дней в неделю всегда по две в день – футбольная и тхэквондо. Каникулярное время ничем не отличается от учебного, только вместо посещения школы – чтение художественной литературы из детской библиотеки, дополнительные задания по школьным предметам подбираю сама в интернете и в книжных магазинах. Считаю, что без ежедневного кропотливого труда, в том числе и с моей стороны, невозможно достичь каких-либо высот. Кстати, ранее, до рождения ребенка, всегда пессимистически относилась к соблюдению того же режима дня и считала это пережитком. Однако теперь более чем уверенно могу сказать, что расписанный по минутам день приносит хороший результат. И немного про питание: обязательно соблюдать время приема пищи и рацион должен быть по возрасту и нагрузкам. Мы, например, творог, мясо, овощи и фрукты едим ежедневно. Да, приходится мне изощряться, но творогозаменители в виде сырков и всяческих творожных масс я ребенку не даю. А вот морковные котлетки и кабачковые оладьи раз в неделю обязательно у нас есть. В принципе никаких особых секретов нет, просто ежедневный титанический труд ребенка и родителей!Когда ваш ребенок не хотел идти на занятия, как вы его мотивировали? Сын еще находится в том возрасте, когда авторитет и слова родителей не обсуждаются. Какой-то мотивации как таковой не было и нет. Беседуем о нужности всестороннего развития личности постоянно. Вот как-то так.Понравился совет? Голосуй на последней странице!
Photo: personal archive
Photo:personal archiveOlga Vasilyeva, daughter Ksenia Vasilyeva, 9 years oldThe child's main hobby and his achievements: classes at the Atmosphere theater studio.– International Children's Art Competition "Constellation of Young Talents of the Volga Region" in the nomination "Theatrical Art", the highest award of the festival is the Grand Prix;– VI International Competition-Festival "Co-Creation" - 1st degree laureate;– All-Russian Open Competition-Festival of Small Theater Forms "Reflection in a Drop" (St. Petersburg), nomination "Artistic Word" - 3rd place; nomination "Drama Theater" - 1st place; - All-Russian children's multi-genre festival "Zebra 2017" - finalist; - International television IT project-competition "ROSSиЯ.RU-2017" - 1st place in the nomination "Artistic word". Advice to mothers on how to raise a winner. Advice to mothers on how to raise a winner is very simple - love your child, appreciate every moment spent with him, live by his interests, help him grow and develop creatively, overcoming difficulties, go towards the goal, believe in his success. After all, only by putting in some effort can you achieve an excellent result! A child surrounded by love, understanding and parental support is already a winner! When your child did not want to go to classes, how did you motivate him? To be honest, we personally never had to motivate Ksyusha to attend classes in a theater studio. Since she was 4, this has been her favorite thing, which she does with great interest and passion; It's not just a hobby anymore, but a major part of her daily life. Thanks to her hard work and creative growth, she has a large number of worthy awards in her baggage. Did you like the advice? Vote on the last page!
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Photo:Personal archiveKsenia Galats, daughters Elizaveta Galats, 14, and Sofia Galats, 11The child's main hobby and achievements: Liza - choreography (her ensemble becomes a 1st degree laureate in every competition). Sonya - vocals (only the first performance was for 2nd place, all the rest - exclusively 1st places).Advice to mothers on how to raise a winner. I always support my children and tell them that they need to motivate themselves with the words: "I can do it!" I teach them not to worry before performances, but since I am a very demanding mother, I always discuss the shortcomings with them after the performances (she studied folk dancing for 16 years and vocals for 17 years).When your child did not want to go to class, how did you motivate him? My daughters always "fly" to their classes, so we have never had such a problem.Did you like the advice? Vote on the last page!