If you knew how much power really isit is supposed to teach a little person the most basic things. What others are learning intuitively is a process that stretches out indefinitely. I remembered, but suddenly I forgot - it's not cheating. This is indeed so.

Energizer with a motor

My child is not like everyone else. He is hyperactive. And this is not just a play on words, no. This is the official diagnosis. ADHD is a syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I will specify: it happens that the child is inattentive, restless, but at the same time a phlegmatic or melancholic by nature. This is probably the simplest option. We were "unlucky". To the awl in the priest Timofei also has a violent explosive temperament. Emotional instability, you know. In the first minute you will not notice. Ten minutes after talking with him politely say that he is very ... lively and talkative. Half an hour later, you probably have a headache. And you hardly want us to stay in your company for a long time somewhere else.A photo: GettyImages I now understand very well that not every loud and disturbing child is well brought up. I want people around to understand this, too. Believe me, we, the mothers of such children, are perfectly aware that our "energy-savers" most likely interfere with your quietly sitting babies to watch the play, listen to the excursion, play with the animator, learn. Yes, there is little work for the children's team. But they also want all this. How will they learn the rules of society if they are isolated from this society? But in fact it is terrible when your child is uncomfortable with everything. When he, having escaped from his hands, rushes along the assembly hall, tearing off the kindergarten holiday in honor of March 8. It enters into a tailspin, because there are a lot of people in the hall. He sees the crowd, and it "wedges". He screams, pulls everyone up and does not go by the wheel. Ostap bears ... And someone's grandmother loudly and discontentedly says: "Well, where is the mother of this boy!" And then you leave the hall, and you try to calm the most bitter tears in your life from the fact that he did not read the prepared poem.

Live in suspense

Do you know what really is the most difficult thing? Control yourself. Constantly keep in mind that he did not purposely, that he can not otherwise. When you live like a swing. A week, two, three all is well. But you live like a compressed spring. Because you understand: it's not for long. And then at some point you relax. And you start to get angry. The fact that he does not remember a hundred thousand times how to wear socks correctly. The fact that he can not even be silent for thirty seconds. To the fact that he breaks into an instant hysterics for the simplest words. The fact that he can climb into the hands of a man he knows five minutes. And you are frustrated. This is the most dangerous thing. For such children instantly "mirror" your condition. While you are affectionate with him, he is affectionate with the whole world. One big quarrel - and a little devil settles into your son. So, for at least two weeks in your house, shouts, quarrels and scandals settle.Photo:still from the movie "Problem Child" - Tim, why are you behaving this way? - This is the last cry in the hearts. - We just discussed with you that falling into tantrums is wrong, you need to learn to restrain yourself. Why are you doing this again, it's only been three minutes? Is it really so difficult to control yourself ?! ”“ Mom, it works like that by itself… ”He already has eyes full of sincere tears, his lower lip trembles. And at that moment I deflate like a balloon. Yes. It is itself. He wants. He tries. He can not. Therefore, his simple laughter usually turns into a stormy, in no way calming fun, and from it - immediately into tears. “The parts of the brain responsible for self-control have not matured,” neurologists explained to me. “That’s why he’s so emotionally unstable. Lord, when will they finally mature.” I will never forget how one day Timofey came from the garden and asked: “Mom, am I strange?” - Why strange, son? - A lump in my throat prevented not only speaking - breathing. - I can see that I am not like everyone else. I'm trying. But I can't. Four and a half years. Four! And a half! Charles! At four and a half years old, the little man who is supposed to enjoy a happy childhood asks me why he is not like everyone else! He expects me to calm him down now. And I comfort you. How could it be otherwise? And somewhere under the spoon, the fear of school sucks disgustingly. Where mom is not around and where "strangeness" is fraught with trouble.Photo: GettyImagesP. S. In fact, everything is fine with us. My child is a genius. No, that's not what I say, and I do not think so. But adults tell me this, with whom he can talk. Assistant educator in kindergarten. Babysitting in the children's room. The seller in the store.If somewhere has gone, it means that somewhere has arrived. The brain of my son works precisely on this principle. At five, he has been reading fluently for two years, although no one taught him this, has photographic memory, better manages me with gadgets and counts in the thousands. This is called compensatory development. Healthy sites take on the functions of the damaged. He is smart, cheerful, kind, loving and beloved boy. He is well-read, he is polite, he will always help. He will call you affectionate names and words. No matter how old you are, you'll be Tanya, Katya, Natashenka for him. And we'll outgrow this trouble.

