The star of the series "Univer" Anna Khilkevich, which inDecember last year, she gave birth to her daughter Arianna, willingly sharing in her Instagram tips to young moms. This time she decided to raise the actual topic of heat in the city and told how to protect the baby from sunburn.A photo: @annakhilkevich “It’s better to go to sunbathe before 11:00 am and after 5:00 pm so as not to get burnt,” writes the actress. - In another period, especially actively harmful UVA-radiation, which can reduce the body's immune forces, penetrate into the middle of the dermis, destroy DNA cells and provoke the occurrence of skin diseases. Experts even put forward the theory that if in the first 10 years of life a child was under aggressive sunshine for a long time, then the risk of oncology in the future increases. Therefore, even in the morning and evening hours, do not forget to anoint the body and face of the baby with a special protective cream against sunburn. Maternity sunscreen dried skin! Therefore, do not forget to apply moisturizing in front of sunscreen. Also, replenish your first-aid kit with special mosquito and mosquito spray, do not forget to treat your child’s clothes with such means before each walk. Take care of protection from insects at home and in nature: you can buy a fumigator that plugs into a wall outlet or special spirals that are designed to scare mosquitoes on the street. ”Anna’s post is accompanied by a photo taken while walking with your child. Pay attention: on the head of the actress's hat, because the mom must also take care of herself.

