From what age to give the child to workout

At home, karate training begins early, usually before school, at about the age of five. In Russia, too, this is practiced, but not always the kids are ready morally for such lessons.karate for childrenKarate for children teaches discipline andrespect for each otherPhoto: Getty You can give a child later, depending on his physical development and spiritual attitude. It is better to bring him to the section when he really wants it. The best start will be from 7-8 years old. At this time, the future athlete will already be comfortable with the school team, and it will be much easier for him to adapt to the group of the sports section. For training, you will need a special form of light cotton - kimono. It should be chosen strictly according to the size and height of the child. Usually, coaches require you to purchase foot pads and special gloves. Also, until the age of 9, it is recommended to use protective elements of equipment - a vest, helmet, protection for the groin area. Classes are usually held for 1.5-2 hours, depending on the preparation of students in the group. They consist of three parts - the implementation of training exercises, practicing techniques and strikes, sparring with the enemy. All martial arts, including karate, are based on their philosophy. They bring up in the child a strong spirit, the ability to respect others and their rival. Develop logical thinking, the ability to feel and understand the tactics and further movement of the enemy.

How useful karate classes for children

The child will be comfortable in the section if he is alreadypossesses a number of qualities - he is disciplined, knows how to listen to the teacher and follow his instructions, is able to concentrate on a specific task and has the patience to accomplish it. With the help of lessons, these qualities will be strengthened and more and more developed, helping him in sports and in life. In addition, karate offers the following advantages:

  • Forms physical strength, dexterity, endurance. Small athletes gain clarity of movement, tone in the body, good flexibility.
  • An integral part of martial arts -spiritual development. Children become balanced and calm, with a strong inner core. This is especially useful for hyperactivity. They learn to concentrate and apply perseverance in achieving their goal.
  • Becoming a strong character. The child gains self-confidence, dedication, responsibility. His behavior is adequate, he is able to control himself.

Pupils strive for victory, but learn to rejoiceachievements and empathize with the ignoramuses of other people. They understand the price of success - how much strength and patience you need to invest in a business in order to achieve something. They also know that self-improvement and victory will give them - respect of others and self-realization.

