Mathematics knowledge

Mathematics certainly plays an important role indevelopment of the baby. Thanks to this science, the child begins to navigate in space and understand the size of objects. In addition, mathematics improves logical skills and positively influences the thinking process as a whole.what a child should know at 4 years oldWhat should know the child in 4 years of the requirementsGEF, you can ask the tutor. Photo: Getty No one says that a four-year-old kid should be able to solve complex equations, but by this age he should be introduced to the basics of science. According to the requirements of the GEF, the baby should be able to count to five and show each number on the fingers and counting sticks. He also needs to understand which of the digits is greater or less. Ideally, he needs to know how the numbers from 1 to 9 look like. At the same time, the kid should not only name them, but also count them in the usual and reverse order. In addition, the child must have minimal knowledge of geometry. That is, he must distinguish between shapes such as a circle, a triangle, and a square. And he also needs to understand in the size of objects and to distinguish that more or less, closer or farther.

How to teach child mathematics

Teaching this science to a child is not so difficult. The main thing is to enjoy the activities of the kid. Therefore, you should not insist too much if he refuses to exercise, because you can develop a persistent “dislike” for learning. It is better to wait some time and try again. In addition, for exercises it is not necessary to seat him at the table, because you can practice anywhere. For example, you can ask him to help count the toys on the store shelf. Such an approach will be much more useful and will bring the maximum result. The various board games that improve the knowledge of arithmetic will interest the little one. And to learn a quick score will help counting poems. Remember that you do not need to injure child psychology and impose uninteresting exercises on it, because children perceive and remember information much faster if it is presented as a game. So try to turn each lesson into an exciting adventure. And then your baby will quickly figure out the numbers, learn to count and its development will correspond to all parameters of his age.

